
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom

Battle Master (Silver)
Defeat 5 or more enemies at once using a finish or combination attack
Brave One (Gold)
Raise Friendship level and Tepeu's level to max
Chatterbox (Bronze)
Talk to the Majin 100 times.
Combination Master (Bronze)
Defeat 300 enemies with combination attacks
Cosplay Maniac (Bronze)
Get 3 full costume sets
Cosplay Master (Silver)
Get all costumes
Dark Hunter (Bronze)
Defeat over 100 enemies
Escape from the Dark Castle (Bronze)
Escape from the Dark Castle
Finish Master (Bronze)
Defeat more then 50 enemies with finish attacks
Headlong Rush (Bronze)
Attack shielded enemies 100 times.
Immortal Man (Bronze)
Have the Majin revive you 3 times.
Majin Bodyguard (Bronze)
Help the Majin out when he's in trouble 10 times.
Majin Healer (Bronze)
Feed the Majin over 10 Blue Fruit
Majin Knight (Silver)
Help the Majin out when he's in trouble 30 times.
Majin Rescued (Bronze)
Save the Majin
Master of the Majin (Bronze)
Give the Majin more than 500 orders.
One Enthralled by Darkness (Bronze)
Become 'haunted by darkness' 10 times.
One of a Kind (Silver)
Defeat over 500 enemies
Platinum! (Platinum)
You've acquired all the Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom trophies!
Sneak Master (Bronze)
Defeat 50 enemies with sneak attacks
Trap Master (Bronze)
Defeat over 30 enemies with traps
Treasure Hunter (Silver)
Open all treasure chests
Ultimate Health (Silver)
The Majin's 'health' ability rises to maximum
Ultimate Strength (Silver)
The Majin's 'strength' ability rises to maximum

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Как разбить последнюю маску Хрустального Замка? (1)
Вопрос задает Risa

Как пройти "Великое Дерево Антенна"? (1)
Вопрос задает naos

Как разрушить дерево-страж? (1)
Вопрос задает Julianna

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