
F1 Race Stars

There are 36 Bronze Trophies, 11 Silver Trophies, 2 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
Abu Dhabi Expert (Bronze)
Win an Abu Dhabi event at 3,000cc (no teams)
Around the World (Silver)
Win an event on every track at 3,000cc (no teams)
Australia Expert (Bronze)
Win an Australia event at 3,000cc (no teams)
Belgium Expert (Bronze)
Win a Belgium event at 3,000cc (no teams)
Bingo! (Silver)
Use a power-up against every opponent on the track (globals not included)
Brazil Expert (Bronze)
Win a Brazil event at 3,000cc (no teams)
Bronze Time (Bronze)
Earn a bronze Time Trial record on all tracks
Career 100% (Gold)
Complete 30 different championships in your career
Career 25% (Bronze)
Complete 8 different championships in your career
Career 50% (Bronze)
Complete 15 different championships in your career
Career 75% (Silver)
Complete 23 different championships in your career
Career is GO! (Bronze)
Complete the first championship of your career
Causing Trouble (Bronze)
Hit another driver after being eliminated
Ecto-won (Bronze)
Beat a friend's Time Trial lap
Exhibition Rush (Silver)
Earn 1,000 Exhibition points in under 5 seconds
Fish in a Barrel (Bronze)
Use power-ups against 3 drivers who are within range of the safety car (globals not included)
Fully Automatic (Bronze)
Hit the same driver three times with a 3x Ricochet Bubble
Germany Expert (Bronze)
Win a Germany event at 3,000cc (no teams)
Gold Time (Gold)
Earn a gold Time Trial record on all tracks
Great Britain Expert (Bronze)
Win a Great Britain event at 3,000cc (no teams)
Heavyweight (Bronze)
Affect 3 drivers with a single Pulse
Internet Famous (Bronze)
Win an online event (no teams)
Italy Expert (Bronze)
Win an Italy event at 3,000cc (no teams)
Japan Expert (Bronze)
Win a Japan event at 3,000cc (no teams)
Jump Boost Expert (Bronze)
Trigger 50 jump boosts
King of King of the Screen (Silver)
Reach King of the Screen level 6
Monaco Expert (Bronze)
Win a Monaco event at 3,000cc (no teams)
My House (Silver)
Own the whole track in Sector Snatch
Nailed the Jump (Bronze)
Trigger a jump boost
Pitmaster (Bronze)
Repair in the pits 10 times
Player of Games (Bronze)
Complete one event in each race mode
Prince of the Screen (Bronze)
Reach King of the Screen level 3
Qualifying Lap (Bronze)
Set a Time Trial record
Race Star (Platinum)
Unlock all 49 trophies
Red Carpet (Bronze)
Take a locked shortcut
Scientific Method (Bronze)
Make an impact with each type of power-up
Shakedown (Silver)
Make a nearby driver drop 600 points in Trophy Chase
Shelf Promotion (Silver)
Fill your career trophy cabinet
Shortcut Expert (Bronze)
Take every shortcut in the game
Silver Time (Silver)
Earn a silver Time Trial record on all tracks
Singapore Expert (Bronze)
Win a Singapore event at 3,000cc (no teams)
Slipstream Expert (Bronze)
Slipstream past 50 drivers
Slipstreamer (Bronze)
Slipstream past a driver
Social Butterfly (Bronze)
Complete one event with each constructor
Taste of Victory (Bronze)
Win an event (no teams)
They See You Rollin' (Silver)
Earn 3,141 badges
USA Expert (Bronze)
Win a USA event at 3,000cc (no teams)
Vapours (Silver)
Win a Refuel event with an empty tank (no teams)
Whoops! (Bronze)
Hit yourself with your own Ricochet Bubble
Your Friends are Cool (Bronze)
Complete a championship in your career in a splitscreen team

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