
DmC: Devil May Cry

Unlock Rare Art
Rare Art #1
Devil Trigger 666 times
Rare Art #2
Play for 50 hours
Rare Art #3
Total Damage of 5,000,000 points
Rare Art #4
Complete any 60 missions with SSS rank
Super Dante Perk
Upon beating Dante Must Die mode, the Super Dante perk will be unlocked. This perk will grant the player infinite devil trigger in exchange for a 50% penalty towards the mission score.
Super Dante (Perk)
Beat Dante Must Die mode.
Unlock Rare Art
Rare Art #1
Devil Trigger 666 times
Rare Art #2
Play for 50 hours
Rare Art #3
Total Damage of 5,000,000 points
Rare Art #4
Complete any 60 missions with SSS rank
Unlockable Costumes
You can unlock costumes by beating the game on a specific difficulty
Son of Sparda
Beat the game on Son of Sparda difficulty
Beat the game on Nephilim or lower
Unlockable Difficulties
Complete the required mode to unlock new difficulty modes
Dante Must Die!
Complete the game on Son of Sparda
Heaven or Hell
Complete the game on Son of Sparda
Hell and Hell
Complete the game on Heaven or Hell
Son of Sparda
Complete the game on Human, Devil Hunter or Nephilim
Unlockable Difficulties DmC: Devil May Cry - Vergil's Downfall
Complete the required mode to unlock new difficulty modes
Heaven or Hell
Complete the game on Son of Sparda
Hell and Hell
Complete the game on Heaven or Hell
Son of Sparda
Complete the game on Human, Devil Hunter or Nephilim
Vergil Must Die!
Complete the game on Son of Sparda

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