Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Adventurer (10): Any Hero reaching the Deserts of Bengaresh
and accepting a quest there.
Ambler (10): Any Hero reaching the Orc region
and accepting a quest there.
Ancaria's Dark Lord (40): Any Hero completing the Shadow Campaign.
Ancaria's Lightbringer (40): Any Hero completing the Light Campaign.
Annealer (10): Any Hero has forged something
into an item for the first time.
Ascaron Fan (30): Any Hero has found the secret
halls of Ascaron.
Blessed (20): Your Seraphim attaining Level 15.
Bookworm (30): Any Hero has read 33 Books.
City Guide (20): Any Hero has visited all 42 towns.
Dedicated (30): Any Hero completed the main quest
without exploring more than 20% of the map.
Diligent (25): Any Hero completed 20% of all sidequests.
Discoverer (10): Any Hero reaching the Wastelands
and accepting a quest there.
Dreadnought (30): Any Hero slayed 25 boss monsters.
Expert (10): Any Hero has maximized
one modification of one aspect.
Explorer (10): Any Hero reaching Dyr-Lain,
the Isle of Dryads
and accepting a quest there.
Extremely Diligent (30): Any Hero completed 40% of all sidequests.
Fashion Police (20): Any Hero wearing a complete armor set
for the first time.
Globetrotter (10): Any Hero reaching the Jungle region
and accepting a quest there.
Group Hug (10): Any Hero fighting alongside 3 other heroes
in multiplayer mode.
Hawker (10): You successfully traded with another user.
Hospitable (10): Host your first multiplayer game.
Journeyman (10): Any Hero reaching the Marshes of Hissil'Ta
and accepting a quest there.
Junior Cartographer (20): Any Hero has explored 30 % of the map.
Legendary (25): Any Hero attaining Level 35.
Master Cartographer (25): Any Hero has explored 50 % of the map.
Millionaire (20): Any Hero owning 1,000,000 gold.
Polytheist (30): Any Hero has discovered all 20 temples.
Scrooge (30): Any Hero has completed the main quest
without buying anything.
Survivalist (30): You completed the campaign
with a Hero who never died.
The Dreadful (20): Your Inquisitor reaches Level 15.
The Living Monument (20): Your Temple Guardian reaches Level 15.
Tomb Raider (30): Any Hero has read 100 epitaphs (graves).
Treehugger (20): Your Dryad attaining Level 15.
Tyr Lysia's Hero (20): Your High Elf attaining Level 15.
Vengeful Spirit (20): Your Shadow Warrior attaining Level 15.
Wanderer (10): Any Hero reaching the Dragon realm
and accepting a quest there.
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