Duplicate Items (Savegame Editing)
Use this method to easily gain more money, runes, etc.
First, locate your Sacred 2 savegame files on your hard drive.
Vista: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2\
XP: Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\
Sacred 2\
In the Savegame folder is a file named "chest.sacred2chest" where
the things are saved you have in your in-game chest. So now a few easy
steps how to duplicate every item which is in the chest.
1. Put an item into the chest which gives you a large amount of gold
if you sell it to an NPC (Like the Instruments you can get on
the Blind Guardian Quest they do give you about 50-100k Gold
per Instrument).
2. Quit the game and return to your desktop.
3. Make a backup copy of "chest.sacred2chest".
4. Start Sacred 2 again.
5. Get the items you want to sell out of the chest.
6. Quit game and return to your desktop.
7. Copy the backup file "chest.sacred2chest" to your savegame folder
again. (overwrite the old file)
8. Repeat step 4 - 7 a few times, until your inventory is full.
9. Start Sacred 2.
10. Take the items and put them into the chest under "All Characters".
11. Quit game and return to the desktop.
12. Make a backup of the "chest.sacred2chest" file again
(the one with the items in the "All Characters" slot).
13. Start Sacred 2, take the items out of your chest and sell them.
14. Quit game and overwrite the empty "chest.sacred2chest"
with the backup you just made and repeat that over and over
until you have enough money!
God Mode
Locate the file balance.txt in your install\scripts\server folder
and change to:
Enemy_weapondamage = {0,0,0,0,0},
Enemy_spelldamage = {0,0,0,0,0},
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Знаете интересные коды на Sacred 2: Fallen Angel? Вам есть чем поделиться с другими геймерами?
Игра Sacred 2: Fallen Angel очень схожа с игрой Diablo 2. Практически такой же инвентарь. В игре 5 классов, каждый из которых имеет свои преимущества и недостатки. В процессе игры вы будете прокачивать уровень вашего персонажа, добавлять ему способности типа владения мечами, луком, атлетизм, алхимию и т.д. Очень красочная графика, но камера оставляет желать лучшего. В игре есть две стороны: тёмная и светлая, квесты для которых очень интересны. В целом, игра представляет из себя очень классное сочетание Диабло и хорошего экшена!
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