
Last Remnant, The

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Death and Destruction (30):   Do you want your party members 
                              to grow stronger? 
                              Try defeating lots of monsters.

Guru of the Mystic (30):      Do you like collecting items? 
                              Try obtaining a certain one...

Hero of the Dawn (50):        For a great challenge, defeat the monster 
                              that appears from a certain guild task.

March of the Soldiers (10):   Do you want a bigger party? Recruit some 
                              soldiers at a guild.

Monster Dismantler (20):      Are you collecting components? 
                              Try taking apart lots of monsters.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (20):  Do you recycle? Try taking apart 
                              lots of equipment.

The Battlemaster (20):        Do you have a taste for blood? Participate 
                              in battles and find out.

The Dragonslayer (40):        For a bigger challenge, defeat the monster 
                              that appears from a certain quest.

The Godslayer (140):          For the biggest challenge of them all, 
                              defeat the monster they call The Fallen.

The Great Soldier (40):       For a huge challenge, defeat the monster 
                              that appears from a certain guild task.

The Guildmaster's Faith (10): Have you accepted the guild masters' 
                              challenges? Try finishing lots of guild 

The Heir of Ultimate 
Fate (30):                    Have you been creating items? Try creating 
                              a certain one...

The Lone Fighter (30):        Do you want a challenge? Defeat the monster 
                              that appears from a certain quest.

The Ravenous Hunter (30):     How is Mr. Diggs? Try harvesting 
                              a certain item...

The Rules of Consecution 
(30):                         Are you keeping an eye on the chain count? 
                              Try to get as high a number as possible.

Timing is Everything (10):    How is your hand-eye coordination? 
                              Try using Critical Triggers whenever 

Unleashing Secret 
Powers (10):                  Are you putting Timeshift to good use? 
                              Try using it as often as possible.

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