
Last Remnant, The

+5 трейнер (для v1.0.515 от MrAntiFun)
Как пользоваться трейнерами

Allow Player to Change NPC Equipment
     After  the first time you execute the game, it will create an ini
file  for your configuration in your "My Documents" folder. Locate and
open the "RushEngine.ini" file with Notepad. The file is located in My
Games\The Last Remnant\RushGame\Config.

There is a line in RushEngine.ini called: 


     Change  it to "TRUE" (without quotes) and then save the file. You
can  then change NPC weapons and accessories manually in game, however
they  will still ask for new equipment and items. If you give them new
equipment  they  might still override the slot without putting it back
into inventory like in the normal game.

     Suggestion:  Give them items they want, but don't give weapons or
accessories  they  ask  for.  Do  it  manually  so  you  can keep that
equipment for selling or disassembling.

New Game +
     Complete  the game's storyline. The following are carried over to
the  new  game:  components,  formations,  gold,  magazines, maps, Mr.
Digg's  status,  and items that unlock arts for Rush (effectively Rush
gains the first tier of those arts).

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