
Warriors Orochi 3

43 Trophies: 1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 18 Silver, 22 Bronze
A Hidden Smile (Bronze)
Cleared Chapter 2 in Story Mode
A Kaleidoscope of Time (Silver)
Unlock all wallpaper
A Warrior of Wealth (Silver)
Gathered over 500,000 gems
Banner of Victory (Bronze)
Defeated the Hydra
Blinding Light (Bronze)
Use a True Triple Attack
Blinding Speed (Bronze)
Clear a scenario in under 5 minutes
Challenger (Bronze)
Successfully complete a mission
Changing the Past (Bronze)
Cleared all 10 post-transformation scenarios
Dance of the Blade (Bronze)
Successfully perform a combo of 1000 or more
Experienced Controller (Bronze)
Use all mountable weapons
Firm Bonds (Bronze)
Raise the bonds of one pair of officers to its maximum
First Design (Bronze)
Clear a battlefield created using Musou Battlefields for the first time
First Forge (Bronze)
Upgrade a weapon
First Purchase (Bronze)
Purchase a weapon
Gallery of Heroes (Silver)
Unlock all officers for play
Grand Purchase (Bronze)
Purchase a weapon that costs over 10,000 gems
In a Broken World (Silver)
Cleared Story Mode with NORMAL ending
Joining Hands (Bronze)
Clear a scenario using either online play or the 2-player mode
Land of Peace (Silver)
Cleared Story Mode with GOOD ending
Master of Battle (Silver)
Cleared any stage without taking any damage
Master of Time (Silver)
Clear all scenarios
Mission Master (Silver)
Completed more than 10 missions in one battle
Musou Collector (Silver)
Obtain weapons level 4 for all officers
Musou Dilettante (Silver)
Obtain every equippable item
Musou Fighter (Bronze)
Achieve 1000 K.O.s
Musou Millionaire (Gold)
Gathered over 900,000 gems
Musou Warrior (Silver)
Achieved 3000 K.O.s
Noble Warrior (Silver)
Gathered over 100 crystals
Otherworld Extravagance (Silver)
Held over 100 banquets
Overwhelming Victory (Bronze)
Obtain over 10,000 EXP in a single battle
Peak of Performance (Gold)
Cleared all scenarios on Chaos difficulty
Perfect Partner (Bronze)
Raise compatibility of a weapon to maximum
Reaching Beyond (Bronze)
Purchase a weapon using crystals
Shopping Expert (Silver)
Purchased over 100 weapons
Slave of Sound (Silver)
Listen to all the music
The Dandy Captain (Silver)
Unlock all costumes
The Fated Place (Silver)
Cleared Story Mode with TRUE ending
The Flame of Hope (Bronze)
Cleared Chapter 1 in Story Mode
The Mead of Life (Bronze)
Hold a banquet
Traversing Time (Bronze)
Returned to the past through Kaguya's power for the first time
True Musou (Platinum)
Obtain all trophies
Unwavering Hope (Bronze)
Cleared Chapter 3 in Story Mode
Veteran Warrior (Silver)
Join battle over 100 times with any one officer
Story Mode Endings
Note: You can unlock every Ending, in any order.
GOOD Ending
Clear The Demise of Orochi X, Chapter 4
Clear Into the Fire, Chapter 4.
TRUE Ending
Clear World's End, Chapter 4 (Must have all characters unlocked that are not unlocked via Endings)

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