
Voltron: Defender of the Universe

There are 7 Bronze Trophies, 4 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Blazing Victory (Silver)
Kill a Robeast without Voltron losing any health.
Carried the Team (Silver)
Complete a level in an online game where you are the only surviving player.
Defender of the Universe (Bronze)
Rescue 100 groups of civilians.
Five Keys (Silver)
Complete a level in an online game with four other players.
Fly Swatter (Bronze)
Achieve ten air pounces in a single level.
King Alfor's Blessing (Silver)
Get five Survivor bonuses in a single play session.
Lion Ace (Bronze)
Earn a x10 score combo five times in a single level.
Lion Heart (Bronze)
Complete any level without the Lion deactivating once.
Space Explorer (Bronze)
Complete the game with any Lion.
Space Legend (Gold)
Complete the game with all five Lions.
The Vendetta Begins (Bronze)
Beat a friend's level score after they have beaten yours in the same online game session.
Zarkon's Bane (Bronze)
Complete any three levels without seeing a game over in a single play session.
Arena Of Doom Trophies
There are 7 Bronze Trophies, 4 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Blazing Victory (Silver)
Kill a Robeast without Voltron losing any health.
Carried the Team (Silver)
Complete a level in an online game where you are the only surviving player.
Defender of the Universe (Bronze)
Rescue 100 groups of civilians.
Five Keys (Silver)
Complete a level in an online game with four other players.
Fly Swatter (Bronze)
Achieve ten air pounces in a single level.
King Alfor's Blessing (Silver)
Get five Survivor bonuses in a single play session.
Lion Ace (Bronze)
Earn a x10 score combo five times in a single level.
Lion Heart (Bronze)
Complete any level without the Lion deactivating once.
Space Explorer (Bronze)
Complete the game with any Lion.
Space Legend (Gold)
Complete the game with all five Lions.
The Vendetta Begins (Bronze)
Beat a friend's level score after they have beaten yours in the same online game session.
Zarkon's Bane (Bronze)
Complete any three levels without seeing a game over in a single play session.

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