
UnderGarden, The

There are 9 Bronze Trophies, 3 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
A very good year (Silver)
Collect 17 crystals in the game
Blown away (Bronze)
Grow 50% of plants in 'Wind Surfing', 'Kaboom!', 'Blown Away', and 'Handle With Care'
Color your world (Gold)
Grow all the flowers on every level
Happy birthday to me (Bronze)
Complete 'Grab Hold', 'Watch Out, They Spit', and 'Hold on Tight' in under 20 minutes
I wanna be a rock star (Silver)
Pick up every musician in the game at least once
Let's clear the air (Bronze)
Clear most of the smog in the smoggy levels
Listen to the flower people (Bronze)
Re-bloom some flowers carrying 3 musicians at once
Rainbow collection (Silver)
Collect all the bonus flowers in the game
Someone set us up the bomb (Bronze)
Drop a bomb on the second player in a co-op game
Sowing the seeds of love (Bronze)
Grow your first fruit tree
The devil wears produce (Bronze)
Hold a musican, heavy fruit, lantern fruit, and explosive fruit while wearing red horns
Time to hit the sack (Bronze)
Hit every pollen sack in 'Batteries Not Included', 'Zap!', and 'Into the Machine'
Turn that thing off (Bronze)
Drop a bomb on a musician

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