
UFC Undisputed 3

There are 19 Bronze Trophies, 14 Silver Trophies, 2 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
A Quarter Down, Three to Go (Silver)
Clear 25% or more of all game modes.
Artiste (Bronze)
Create a Logo and apply it to a CAF as a Tattoo.
Bragging Rights (Bronze)
Create a Highlight Reel.
Breaking your Best Toys (Silver)
Win against a CAF that obtained Career Hall of Fame in Exhibition on Expert Difficulty or higher.
Breaking your Toys (Bronze)
Win a match against the COM on Experienced Difficulty while using a CAF in Exhibition Mode.
Brute Force (Bronze)
Submission Slam or Stomp Escape the COM in Exhibition on Advanced Difficulty or Higher
Chopping 'em Down (Bronze)
Get the TKO win by damaging the opponent's legs.
Determined Champion (Silver)
Clear Title Mode without any interruption.
Dual Division Champion (Silver)
Use 1 fighter in Career Mode to win the UFC championship in 2 weight divisions.
Even Rocky Had a Montage (Silver)
Create a Highlight Reel with 10 or more different fighters.
Everyone's a Critic (Bronze)
Rate contents created by other players in Content Sharing.
Exhibition Excellence (Bronze)
Win 5 ranked Online matches in a row.
Extracurricular (Bronze)
Join an Online camp.
Fight Camp Frenzy (Silver)
Win 10 consecutive Fight Camp Exhibition matches.
Finish the Fight (Gold)
After a KO or TKO, land 4 finishing blows and win the match.
First of Many! (Bronze)
Win a ranked Online match for the first time.
Getting A Leg Up (Silver)
Defeat a COM on Advanced or higher in Exhibition or Tournament Mode with each Leg Submission.
GOOOAAL!!! (Silver)
KO the opponent with a soccer kick.
Hall of famer (Silver)
Enter the Hall of Fame with a fighter in Career Mode.
History is Best Both Ways (Silver)
Obtain a 100% completion score with both fighters in a fight in Ultimate Fights Mode.
Making it Rain (Bronze)
10,000 or more shop points accumulated.
Online Amateur (Bronze)
Play 10 or more Online matches.
Online Journeyman (Silver)
Play 500 or more ranked Online matches.
Platinum (Platinum)
Obtain all trophies
Pound for Pound (Silver)
Win in each division in Exhibition with Advanced Difficulty or higher.
Practice Makes Perfect (Bronze)
Play an Online Fight Camp Sparring match.
Prepared to Win! (Bronze)
Play through each Training Game with a fighter in Career Mode.
PRIDE of a champion (Bronze)
Win 25 fights consecutively in Title Defense Mode.
Prime Time Fighting (Bronze)
Play and complete a 6, 7 or 8 card event in Event Mode.
Prolific Champion (Gold)
Use 1 fighter in Career Mode and win the WFA Championship, UFC Championship, and PRIDE Grand Prix.
Punching is Hard Work (Bronze)
Win a match on Ultimate in Exhibition or Tournament Mode with the Simulation Energy Settings.
Puppeteer (Bronze)
Create a CAF and modify the face with CREATE A FIGHTER.
Storied Career (Bronze)
Complete Career Mode with a CAF or Roster Fighter.
Training Expertise (Silver)
Obtain a 4-star score in a Training Game with a fighter in Career Mode.
Triple Threatening (Silver)
Obtain any level 3 move for 1 fighter in Career Mode.
Willingness (Bronze)
Select a guided tutorial

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