
Trash Panic

     Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are 9
Bronze Trophies, 3 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.

Achieved SSS Rank on all Main Dish Stages (Silver): 
     You've gotten SSS rank on all stages!

Cleared and Passed all "MOTTAINAI" on Main Mode - Main Dish (Bronze): 
     You've received the master of Personal Delivery title!

Cleared Emptying the Trash Box! (Bronze): 
     You're a totally clean player!

Cleared Main Mode - HELL (Silver): 
     A present to the survivor of HELL, a steel trash box!

Cleared Main Mode - HELL with a Green Trash Box (Bronze): 
     A present for the player who has worked so hard: the strongest 
     trash box!

Cleared Main Mode - HELL with a Red Trash Box (Bronze): 
     At last, you've received the green trash box. Dispose away!

Cleared Main Mode - HELL with a Steel Trash Box (Bronze): 
     You received the next trash box, the red trash box. Burn, baby, burn!

Cleared Main Mode - HELL with the Strongest Trash Box (Gold): 
     Thank you for playing, trashy player!

Cleared Main Mode - Main Dish Through the ECO Route (Silver): 
     You're an ECO-logistic player! Unlocked HELL mode!

Cleared Main Mode - Main Dish through the EGO Route (Bronze): 
     You are an EGOist player! Unlocked HELL course!

Cleared Main Mode - Sweets on ECO (Bronze): 
      Attained the title of Trash ECO Patissier!

Completed all the Main Mode - Main Mish Stages on the A Route! (Bronze): 
     You've completed all stages on the A route!

You've Played More than 24 Hours! (Bronze): 
     You're a baur! 

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