
Star Wars Pinball

There are 8 Bronze Trophies and 2 Gold Trophies.
Fruitful alliance (Bronze)
Get your friends together and earn 10000 Team Score!
Galactic explorer (Bronze)
Discover your collection, and play on at least 3 different tables!
Great Disturbance (Bronze)
Keep playing hard, and earn a score of at least 150 million on any table!
Master of the Force (Gold)
Have the highest Force Score among your friends and become the Master of the Force!
May the Force be with you (Bronze)
Rise to prominence by becoming a Jedi Master on the Light side or Sith Master on the Dark side.
The Force is strong with this one (Bronze)
Advance a rank and become a Jedi Padawan on the Light side or Sith Adept on the Dark side.
Tremor in the Force (Bronze)
Feel the Force and show off your pinball skills by earning 2000 Force Score!
Unstoppable menace (Gold)
Win an Online Multiplayer race against 3 other players.
Young Challenger (Bronze)
Rise to the challenge and beat the score of a friend ahead of you on any table!
Your powers are weak (Bronze)
Dominate your friends and beat ten of them on any table.
DLC Trophies
There are 6 Bronze Trophies and 3 Silver Trophies.
Bring balance to the Force (Silver)
Start Jedi and Sith multiballs at the same time and score a Balance Jackpot on Star Wars Episode V table.
Go for the legs (Bronze)
Win a fight against an AT-AT walker on the Star Wars Episode V table.
In the service of the Hutts (Bronze)
Complete all of the Hutt Cartel's special assignments on the Boba Fett table!
It all ran better under Vader (Bronze)
Complete all of the Empire's special assignments on the Boba Fett table!
Point Rain (Bronze)
Transport at least 3 clone troopers to Point Rain on Geonosis on the Clone Wars table.
Purge the World (Silver)
Purge the galaxy by defeating both Sith Lords on the Clone Wars table!
The General (Bronze)
Earn the highest rank by completing the clone training several times on the Clone Wars table.
Triumph of the Mandalorian (Silver)
Earn maximum respect, and escape from the Sarlacc on the Boba Fett table!
You seek Yoda (Bronze)
Get an award from master Yoda on the Star Wars Episode V table.

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