
Star Trek: D-A-C

Kobayashi Maru Cheat
When a match begins, press Start and enter this code: [L2], [Triangle], [Square], [Square], [Triangle], [R2]. This will quadruple your ship's rate of fire and regeneration rate. If your ship is destroyed, you will revert back to normal. When you enter this code for the first time, you will unlock the Kobayashi Maru trophy.
Complete each requirement to get the specified Trophy.
Academy Graduate (Bronze)
Earn 1 kill with each ship class (except the Support Frigate)
Born Leader (Bronze)
Capture 3 points and help destroy the 4th in a single Assault match
Bridge Commander (Bronze)
Earn 250 cumulative kills in Team Deathmatch
Imperial Instincts (Bronze)
Earn 25 cumulative point captures in Conquest
Mirror, Mirror (Bronze)
Capture a point with the aid of your own wingman
NCC-1701 (Silver)
Earn 250,000 points as the Flagship class in one Team Deathmatch game
Nero’s Rage (Silver)
Destroy 3 enemies while using a single invulnerability powerup
No Mercy (Silver)
Earn 50 cumulative Escape Pod kills
Red Shirt (Bronze)
Be the first to die in a Versus multiplayer match
Starfleet Medal of Honor (Gold)
No deaths or ejections, plus at least 15 kills, in a single match
Vulcan Wisdom (Silver)
Don’t die or shoot, yet capture 3 points (including the enemy base) in a Conquest match

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