

There are 17 total trophies available for Stacking; 13 bronze and 4 silver.
Airship Adventurer (Bronze)
Complete the Zeppelin of Consequence Adventure.
Blackmore Stack (Silver)
Complete the Final Challenge.
Blimp Buster (Silver)
Find all solutions to all Zeppelin of Consequence challenges.
Dirigible Daredevil (Bronze)
Complete all Hi-Jinks in the Zeppelin of Consequence.
Doll Antiquarian (Bronze)
Collect all unique dolls in Triple Decker Tank Engine.
Doll Connoisseur (Bronze)
Collect all unique dolls in the Zeppelin of Consequence.
Doll Fancier (Bronze)
Collect all unique dolls in the Gilded Steam Ship.
Doll Hobbyist (Bronze)
Collect all unique dolls in the Royal Train Station.
Loco Motivated (Silver)
Find all solutions to all Triple Decker Tank Engine challenges.
Maritime Merriment (Bronze)
Complete all Hi-Jinks in the Gilded Steam Ship.
Seasoned Swashbuckler (Bronze)
Complete the Gilded Steam Ship Adventure.
Ship Solver (Silver)
Find all solutions to all Gilded Steam Ship challenges.
Solution Sleuth (Bronze)
Find all solutions to all of the Royal Train Station challenges.
Strike Breaker (Bronze)
Complete Train Strike Adventure.
Train Trickster (Bronze)
Complete all Hi-Jinks in the Royal Train Station.
Triple Train Trickster (Bronze)
Complete all Hi-Jinks in the Triple Decker Tank Engine.
Well Trained Traveler (Bronze)
Complete the Triple Decker Tank Engine adventure.
The Lost Hobo King DLC Trophies
There are 2 Bronze Trophies, 1 Silver Trophy, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Hobo Hustler (Bronze)
Find all unique dolls in the Lost Hobo King adventure.
King Maker (Silver)
Complete the Lost Hobo King adventure.
Master Mendicant (Gold)
Find all solutions to all of the Lost Hobo King challenges.
Super Tramp (Bronze)
Complete all Hi-jinks in the Lost Hobo King adventure.

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