
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Unlock Costumes
Go to the main menu screen (after completing the tutorial) to enter codes
Up, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, Down, Up
Unlock Iron Spider Costume
Left, Right, Right, Down, Right, Down, Up, Left
Unlocks Negative Zone Suit for use in Noir Levels
Ain't no stoppin'! (Silver)
Defeat 1000 enemies
Amazing! (Bronze)
Complete 4 levels with the highrest rank in Hard mode
Bug collector (Bronze)
Collect the Hidden Spiders
Close call! (Bronze)
Recover 10 times from a Critical Fall
Does whatever a spider can! (Platinum)
Unlock all 42 trophies to earn this.
Easy as pie! (Bronze)
Complete all levels on Easy
End of Act 1 (Bronze)
Complete Act 1 on any difficulty level
End of Act 2 (Bronze)
Complete Act 2 on any difficulty level
End of Act 3 (Bronze)
Complete Act 3 on any difficulty level
Enthusiast (Silver)
Collect 250 Spider Emblems
Fanatic (Gold)
Collect 500 Spider Emblems
Getting warmed up (Bronze)
Defeat 100 enemies
Hard Pressed (Gold)
Complete all levels on Hard
Hobbyist (Bronze)
Collect 125 Spider Emblems
In the zone (Silver)
Defeat 500 enemies
Is this normal? (Silver)
Complete all levels on Normal
Lead on, M-Dubs! (Bronze)
Complete the Tutorial
Manifest Destiny (Gold)
Complete the Web of Destiny
Missed me! (Bronze)
Defeat a boss on any difficulty level without taking damage
Sensational!! (Silver)
Complete 8 levels with the highest rank in Hard Mode
Smooth moves (Bronze)
Unlock all Combat Upgrades
Spectacular!!! (Gold)
Complete 12 levels with the highest rank in Hard mode
The complete package (Bronze)
Unlock all Character Upgrades
The Spider's bite (Bronze)
Keep Rage Mode active for one minute
The Spider's grace (Bronze)
Complete a 2099 freefall section without taking damage
The Spider's shadow (Bronze)
Complete a Noir level without triggering an alarm
The Spider's web (Bronze)
Defeat 50 enemies using the Amazing Charge Attack
Two hundo (Bronze)
Execute a 200-hit combo
Uncle Benjamin (Bronze)
Execute a 100-hit combo

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На нашем сайте есть также Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions для PC
