
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1

Whenever you enter a slot machine as Super Sonic, the result will always be a jackpot.
All Stages Cleared! (Bronze)
Defeat the final boss and view the ending.
Contender (Bronze)
Upload your recorded scores and clear times for all stages.
Crush Dr. Eggman (Bronze)
Defeat a boss for the first time.
Enemy Hunter (Bronze)
Defeat 1,000 enemies.
Golden Flash (Bronze)
Clear all Acts as Super Sonic.
Immortal (Silver)
Build up 99 or more extra lives.
Ring Collector (Bronze)
Collect all the Rings in 'Special Stage 1' and Clear the stage.
Speed's My Game (Silver)
Clear SPLASH HILL ZONE ACT 1 in less than a minute.
Super Sonic Genesis (Silver)
Acquire all seven Chaos Emeralds.
The First Chaos Emerald (Bronze)
Acquire a Chaos Emerald.
The Story Begins (Bronze)
Untouchable (Gold)
Clear the E.G.G. STATION ZONE without taking any damage.
Unlock Super Sonic
Complete all 7 special stages by collecting the Chaos Emerald at the end. Then enter any level, collect 50 rings, and press the Square button or Triangle button to transform into Super Sonic.

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