
Savage Moon

     Complete  each  condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are
10 bronze, 2 silver and one gold trophy.

Command Credit Trophy (bronze):    Awarded for earning a significant 
                                   amount of credits during your levels.

Command Degree Trophy (bronze):    Awarded for completing all of 
                                   the tutorial sections of the game.

Command Skill Credit Trophy 
(bronze):                          Awarded for earning a significant 
                                   amount of credits during your game 
                                   using Command Skills.

Imoon Admiral (gold):              This is the award for completion of 
                                   all levels of the three Imoon nebulae 
                                   without any damage to mining 

Imoon Agamemnon Trophy (bronze):   This is awarded for the successful 
                                   completion of the first level of 
                                   the Xipe nebula.

Imoon Artisam (silver):            Award for mastery of technology. 
                                   This is achived by researching abd 
                                   building all tower types in the game.

Imoon Conaueror (silver):          This is the award for completion of 
                                   all levels of the three Imoon nebulae.

Imoon Survivow (bronze):           Awarded for surviving for 
                                   an impressive amount of time 
                                   in any Vengeance Mode level.

Imoon Technician Trrophy (bronze): This award is for the first successful 
                                   building of a tower upgraded to leve 5.

Imoon-Bane Trophy (bronze):        Awarded for killing a huge number of 

Xipe Imoon Trophy (bronze):        Award for exemplary completion of 
                                   Imoon nebula. All levels of the nebula 
                                   must be completed with a minimum score 
                                   achieved on each to win this award.

Ymir Imoon Trophy (bronze):        Award for exemplary completion of 
                                   Imoon nebula. All levels of the nebula 
                                   must be completed with a minimum score 
                                   achieved on each to win this award.

Zeus Imoon Trophy (bronze):        Award for exemplary completion of 
                                   Imoon nebula. All levels of the nebula 
                                   must be completed with a minimum score 
                                   achieved on each to win this award.

Waldgeist Expansion Trophies
     Complete  each  requirement  to receive the Trophies. There are 5
Bronze Trophies, 1 Silver Trophy, and 1 Gold Trophy.

Banker Trophy (Waldgeist) 
(Bronze):                          Awarded to those who display excessive 
                                   bravery and greed by completing 
                                   5 levels with the armor and damage 
                                   settings at their lowest values.

Insectocyte Juggler (Waldgeist) 
(Bronze):                          Given to expert strategists able 
                                   to keep any single Insectocyte alive 
                                   for 5 minutes or more.

Luddite Trophy (Waldgeist) 
(Bronze):                          Awarded for completing any 5 levels 
                                   using only Machine Gun Towers without 
                                   any damage to the base.

Neophile Trophy (Waldgeist) 
(Bronze):                          Given to those who complete 
                                   any 5 levels using only Lasers, 
                                   Anti-Air Towers, Particle Cannons 
                                   and Orbital Strike Towers.

Purple Heart (Waldgeist) (Bronze): Awarded for completing a level 
                                   retaining less than 25% health without 
                                   repairing your base.

Waldgeist Admiral Trophy (Silver): Awarded for completion of all 6 levels 
                                   achieving the minimum set scores.

Waldgeist Imoon Trophy (Gold):     Awarded for completion of all 6 levels 
                                   whilst suffering no damage to the base. 

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