Unlock All Songs
Quickly press Red, Yellow, Blue, Red, Red, Blue, Blue, Red,
Yellow, Blue at the title screen when "Press Start" appears. Enabling
this code will disable game saves.
Silver instruments
To unlock the silver version of an instrument, complete the bonus
tour for that instrument on any difficulty. (not sure about bass)
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
silver Stratocaster Beat bonus tour on guitar
silver drum kit Beat bonus tour on drums
silver microphone Beat bonus tour on misrophone
Clear Instruments
In order to get a clear see through instrument, you must play
through Band World Tour and have a PR firm as well as a set of body
guards. Afterward, you'll be invited to play at Moscow's Hall of Fame
concert. Finish the 8 set song list and you'll unlock clear
instruments for your band.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Clear Guitar Finish Hall of Fame concert in Moscow
Clear Bass Finish Hall of Fame concert in Moscow
Clear Microphone Finish Hall of Fame concert in Moscow
Clear Drum Set Finish Hall of Fame concert in Moscow
Gold Instruments
To unlock the golden version of an instrument, complete the solo
tour for that instrument on medium or harder.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Golden Guitar Beat solo tour on medium or above
Golden Mic Beat solo tour on medium or above
Golden Drums Beat solo tour on medium or above
Unlocking different Instrument Icons
You can unlock different colors for your Instrument Icons by
beating the Endless Setlist on different difficulties.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Inverse Colors Finish the Endless Setlist on Medium
Gold Icon Finish the Endless Setlist on Hard
Platinum Icon Finish the Endless Setlist on Expert
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