
Resident Evil 4 HD

There are 12 trophies - 9 Bronze, 2 Silver, 1 Gold.
A Bloodline Severed (Bronze)
Defeat the village chief in battle.
A Heart of Steel (Gold)
Clear the game on the highest difficulty.
A Rock and a Hard Place (Bronze)
Outmaneuver the rampaging beast, El Gigante.
A Terrifying Assassin (Silver)
Turn the tables on Verdugo, the right hand of Salazar.
Do Not Shoot the Water! (Bronze)
Summon the master of the lake. Don't rock the boat.
It Begins With a Ring (Bronze)
Ring the mysterious bell. What happens after that, is up to you.
Secure the Ballistics (Bronze)
Rescue the president's daughter, Ashley. Afterwards, the real fun begins.
The Castellan Falls (Bronze)
Defeat Salazar, and make your escape from the castle.
The S Stands for Stylish!! (Bronze)
Acquire all of the costumes in the game.
The Ties That Bind (Bronze)
Defeat Krauser, your former partner, in battle.
We're Going Home (Bronze)
Defeat Saddler in battle, and escape from the nightmare.
What Are They Worth? (Silver)
Acquire all of the bottle caps in the game.
Mercenaries Unlockable Characters
Ada Wong
Get four stars or higher in the Village.
Albert Wesker
Get four stars or higher in the Waterworld.
Get four stars or higher in the Base.
Jack Krauser
Get four stars or higher in the Castle.
Game modes, difficulties, costumes, and weapons.
Alternate outfit for Leon, Ashley, Ada
Beat the game once
Chicago Typewriter (Main game)
Beat Seperate Ways
Obtain five stars for each level in the Mercenaries
Infinite Rocket Launcher
Beat the game once
P.R.L. 412
Beat the game on Professional
Professional Difficulty
Beat the game once
Seperate Ways
Beat the game once

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