
Record of Agarest War

Alchemical Aptitude (Bronze)
You have added an item to the shop. Keep doing alchemy to add more.
Can We Keep Him? (Bronze)
Captured a monster.
Conqueror of the Planes (Gold)
Defeated the last of the ancient gods.
Elaine (Silver)
Elaine is my bride!
Faina (Silver)
Faina is my bride!
For Real This Time (Gold)
Saw the true ending.
Fyuria (Silver)
Fyuria is my bride!
Hildegard (Silver)
Hildegard is my bride!
I've Created a Monster! (Bronze)
Combined monsters.
I've Seen Everything (Bronze)
Every item in the gallery is now available.
In Title Only (Bronze)
Be sure to visit the Adventurers Guild.
Lavinia (Silver)
Lavinia is my bride!
Luana (Silver)
Luana is my bride!
Noah (Silver)
Noah is my bride!
Oops (Bronze)
It seems something unexpected was created.
Platinum (Platinum)
You earned every trophy.
Ryuryu (Silver)
Ryuryu is my bride!
Sherufanir (Silver)
Sherufanir is my bride!
Silvi (Silver)
Silvi is my bride!
Special Delivery (Bronze)
Used your first Special Art.
The Fifth (Silver)
You cleared Generation 5
The First (Silver)
You cleared Generation 1
The Fourth (Silver)
You cleared Generation 4
The More The Merrier (Bronze)
Execute a coordinated attack with six characters.
The Second (Silver)
You cleared Generation 2
The Third (Silver)
You cleared Generation 3
Titular (Gold)
Earned every title.
Valeria (Silver)
Valeria is my bride!
We Can Rebuild Them (Bronze)
Created three marionettes.
Well-Read (Bronze)
Every profile is now available.
What 10,000!? (Bronze)
Dealt over 10,000 damage with a single blow.
Why Did We Play God?! (Silver)
Created a special monster by combining other monsters.
Yayoi (Silver)
Yayoi is my bride!
You Always Remember Your 500th (Silver)
The number of turns has exceeded 500.
You Complete Me (Silver)
You've been loved like there's no tomorrow.

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