
Punisher, The: No Mercy

     Complete each requirement to get the specified Trophy.

Big Gun (Gold):          Granted for unlocking the missile launcher 
                         in Story Mode.

Bullet Magnet (Gold):    Awarded posthumously for the 50th death suffered 
                         while playing Microchip in Story Mode.

Explosives Expert 
(Gold):                  Blow 100 enemies into a million little pieces 
                         with a grenade launcher in Multiplayer.

Family Photo (Gold):     Returned to its rightful owner 
                         for completing the Story Mode.

Kiss of Death (Gold):    Perform 9 kills with a Rhino without being killed 
                         or reloading playing Jenny Cesare in Multiplayer.

Piece of Cake (Gold):    Awarded for winning the first map of the Story 

Puzzled (Gold):          Win the Survival mode in the Single Player 
                         Campaign playing Jigsaw and using only a shotgun.

Survivor (Gold):         Win a match without dying playing Silver Sable 
                         in Multiplayer.

Survivor Benefit (Gold): Perform 200 kills playing Finn Cooley 
                         in Multiplayer.

Swift Delivery (Gold):   Kill 7 different enemy avatars in an 8-player 
                         Multiplayer match without being killed, 
                         where each of them is different than your avatar.

Tower Above (Gold):      Collect more frags than the rest of the players 
                         put together playing Barracuda in a Multiplayer 

Weapons Expert (Gold):   Perform at least one kill with each available 
                         weapon playing all eight base characters in Multiplayer.

Active Mods
     Complete the following tasks to unlock the following active mods.

Invisibility:            Perform 300 kills as Jigsaw in multiplayer

Invulnerability:         Perform 300 kills as Silver Sable in multiplayer

Regenerator:             Perform 225 kills as Barracuda in multiplayer

Sprint for Life:         Complete story mode level 1

Weapon Upgrade:          Complete story mode level 3

     Complete the following levels to unlock the following characters.

Barracuda, Bushwacker, 
Silver Sable:            Complete story mode level 1

Finn Cooley:             Complete story mode level 2

Jenny Cesare, Microchip: Complete story mode level 3

Jigsaw:                  Complete story mode level 4

     Complete  the  following  tasks to unlock the following costumes.
Note:  These  tasks  do not need to be completed by the character that
the  costume  unlocks for, unless otherwise noted. i.e.: to unlock the
first  of The Punisher's costumes, one simply has to kill 15 Barracuda
in  multiplayer. This kills can be achieved by any character, and will
still unlock the costume.

Barracuda (1):           Perform 60 kills using the Mark 07 SSMG 
                         in multiplayer

Barracuda (2):           Perform 150 kills using the Mark 07 SSMG 
                         in multiplayer

Barracuda (3):           Perform 270 kills using the Mark 07 SSMG 
                         in multiplayer

Barracuda (4):           Kill 50 Silver Sable in multiplayer

Bushwacker (1):          Perform 75 kills as Bushwacker in multiplayer

Bushwacker (2):          Perform 150 kills as Bushwacker in multiplayer

Bushwacker (3):          Perform 225 kills as Bushwacker in multiplayer

Finn Cooley (1):         Perform 75 kills using the Disruptor ML76 
                         in multiplayer

Finn Cooley (2):         Perform 150 kills using the Disruptor ML76 
                         in multiplayer

Finn Cooley (3):         Perform 225 kills using the Disruptor ML76 
                         in multiplayer

Finn Cooley (4):         Perform 300 kills using the Disruptor ML76 
                         in multiplayer

Jenny Cesare (1):        Die 30 times as Jenny Cesare in multiplayer

Jenny Cesare (2):        Die 90 times as Jenny Cesare in multiplayer

Jenny Cesare (3):        Die 180 times as Jenny Cesare in multiplayer

Jigsaw (1):              Perform 25 headshots in multiplayer

Jigsaw (2):              Perform 50 headshots in multiplayer

Jigsaw (3):              Perform 75 headshots in multiplayer

Jigsaw (4):              Perform 100 headshots in multiplayer

Jigsaw (5):              Kill 75 Punisher in multiplayer

Microchip (1):           Perform 75 kills using the Enforcer M8 
                         in multiplayer

Microchip (2):           Perform 150 kills using the Enforcer M8 
                         in multiplayer

Microchip (3):           Perform 225 kills using the Enforcer M8 
                         in multiplayer

Silver Sable (1):        Perform 75 kills as Silver Sable 
                         in multiplayer

Silver Sable (2):        Perform 150 kills as Silver Sable 
                         in multiplayer

The Punisher (1):        Kill 15 Barracuda in multiplayer

The Punisher (2):        Kill 25 Bushwacker in multiplayer

The Punisher (3):        Kill 35 Finn Cooley in multiplayer

The Punisher (4):        Kill 50 Jigsaw in multiplayer

Passive Mods
     Complete the following tasks to unlock the following passive mods.

Berserk:                 Perform 250 kills using the Rhino in multiplayer

Blood Gain:              Perform 150 kills using the CMG in multiplayer

Link Feeder:             Perform 300 kills using the Enforcer M8 
                         in multiplayer

Motion Sensor:           Perform 175 kills as Microchip in multiplayer

Rampage:                 Perform 275 headshots in multiplayer

Thick Plates:            Complete story mode level 2

     Complete  each requirement to get the specified Trophy. There are
7 Bronze Trophies, 4 Silver Trophies and 1 Gold Trophy.

Big Gun (Bronze):        Granted for unlocking the missile launcher 
                         in Story Mode.

Bullet Magnet (Bronze):  Awarded posthumously for the 50th death suffered 
                         while playing Microchip in Story Mode.

Explosives Expert 
(Bronze):                Blow 100 enemies into a million little pieces 
                         with a grenade launcher in Multiplayer.

Family Photo (Bronze):   Returned to its rightful owner 
                         for completing the Story Mode.

Kiss of Death (Gold):    Perform 9 kills with a Rhino without being killed 
                         or reloading playing Jenny Cesare in Multiplayer.

Piece of Cake (Bronze):  Awarded for winning the first map of 
                         the Story Mode.

Puzzled (Bronze):        Win the Survival mode in the Single Player 
                         Campaign playing Jigsaw and using only a shotgun.

Survivor (Silver):       Win a match without dying playing Silver Sable 
                         in Multiplayer.

Survivor Benefit 
(Bronze):                Perform 200 kills playing Finn Cooley 
                         in Multiplayer.

Swift Delivery (Silver): Kill 7 different enemy avatars in an 8-player 
                         Multiplayer match without being killed, 
                         where each of them is different than your avatar.

Tower Above (Silver):    Collect more frags than the rest of the players 
                         put together playing Barracuda 
                         in a Multiplayer match.

Weapons Expert (Silver): Perform at least one kill with each available 
                         weapon playing all eight base characters 
                         in Multiplayer.

     Complete the following tasks to unlock the following weapons.

AKS-49:                  Perform 150 kills using CMG in multiplayer

ARM-5:                   Complete story mode level 3

Bushwacker LMG:          Perform 400 kills as Bushwacker

Bushwacker ML:           Perform 400 kills as Bushwacker

Bushwacker Slug:         Perform 400 kills as Bushwacker

CMG:                     Perform 150 kills using ARM-5 in multiplayer

D2 Crossbow:             Perform 275 headshots in multiplayer

Disruptor ML76:          Complete story mode level 4

Enforcer M8:             Complete story mode level 2

GL32:                    Perform 150 kills playing Finn Cooley 
                         in multiplayer

HSK PSU .45:             Complete story mode level 1

Rhino:                   Perform 150 kills using the HSK PSU .45 
                         in multiplayer 

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