
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Sword Codes
Enter at the pause menu:
Secondary weapon becomes a chainsaw
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle, square, triangle
Unlock Baby Toy Hammer
Left, Left, Right, Right, square triangle, triangle, square, Up, Down
Unlock Telephone of Sorrow
Right, Left, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, square, triangle, square, square, triangle, triangle
Unlocks Swordfish Weapon
Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, square, triangle, square and triangle
There are 1 Bronze Trophies, 8 Silver Trophies, 8 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
Assassin (Silver)
Complete the game on Normal
Berserker (Silver)
Destroy 200 objects
Dark Warrior (Silver)
Kill 100 enemies as the Dark Prince
Double Trouble (Silver)
Kill the two Bosses
Dual Wielder (Silver)
Kill 100 enemies using a secondary weapon
Healthy (Gold)
Get all life upgrades
Horse Racing (Gold)
Complete the horse cart sequences
Mortal (Bronze)
Complete the game on Easy
Mountain Climber (Silver)
Kill the Giant
Revenge (Silver)
Kill the Vizier
Sand Collector (Gold)
Collect 10 000 Sand Credits
Sand Might (Gold)
Obtain all Sand Powers
Sand Snake (Gold)
Complete the game in any difficulty without dying
Sealed Portals (Gold)
Seal all the Sand Portals
Shadow Warrior (Gold)
Complete the game on Hard
Silent Prince (Silver)
Kill 50 enemies with a Speed Kill
Time Adept (Gold)
Obtain all 6 Sand Tanks
Two Thrones (Platinum)
Obtain all other trophie

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