
Power Gig: Rise of the SixString

Combo Mastery (Silver)
Get 10 band streak bonuses in a single song in co-op.
Crafty Carrier (Silver)
Get Maximum Mojomorphosis at The Heap
Endurance Of The Axe (Bronze)
Get a streak of 200 on guitar.
Endurance Of The Skins (Bronze)
Get a streak of 200 on drums.
Endurance Of The Voice (Bronze)
Get a streak of 100 on vocals.
Find Your Mojo (Bronze)
Fire a Mojo power as each character.
Harvesting The Garden (Silver)
Get Maximum Mojomorphosis at The Grove.
Hero of Ohm (Platinum)
Earn all other trophies
Igniting The Flame (Silver)
Get Maximum Mojomorphosis at Riffslide Alley.
Learn Some Skills (Bronze)
Play a song with Power Chords turned on.
Liberator Of Ohm (Silver)
Defeat the Headliner solo.
Love That Tune (Silver)
Play Any Song more than 10 Times.
Master Performance (Bronze)
Get a 5-seal performance on any song.
Merry Go Round And Round (Silver)
Get Maximum Mojomorphosis at Tilt.
Mojo Synergy (Bronze)
Have 2 Mojo powers active at once in co-op.
Noise Pollution (Silver)
Get Maximum Mojomorphosis at Axeworks.
Now Starring (Bronze)
View the credits entirely
One Band (Bronze)
Play a full setlist in Unite the Clans mode.
One With The Clans (Bronze)
Earn 300 total seals over the course of Unite The Clans
One-Armed Band (Bronze)
Earn at least 3 seals playing an entire song using only one drumstick.
Opposites Attract (Bronze)
Play an entire setlist singing with the opposite gender.
Perfectionist (Gold)
Get 100% of the notes 'perfect' in any song.
Power Chord Master (Gold)
Hit every Power Chord in any song.
Power Trio (Bronze)
Get a 5-seal performance with three players.
Skilled Technician (Silver)
Complete a song with 100% accuracy on Virtuoso or Legend Difficulty on guitar, drums, or vocals.
Stickin' It To The Man (Silver)
Get Maximum Mojomorphosis at Skyway 61.
Swift Victory (Gold)
Complete all of Unite the Clans solo, playing only 80 songs
Synergizers (Silver)
Get 7 mojo synergies in one song in co-op.
Tearin' Up The Subway (Silver)
Get Maximum Mojomorphosis at Rothchild Station.
Technician (Bronze)
Complete a song with 75% accuracy or greater with any instrument.
Three's A Crowd (Silver)
Play 10 songs with a full band.
Total Enlightenment (Silver)
Get Maximum Mojomorphosis at Sanctuary.
Unite The Rebels (Bronze)
In Unite the Clans, earn 5 seals in all songs of a three-song gig using Rockers from all three clans at once
Virtuoso Performance (Silver)
Get a 5-seal performance on all 3 songs of a setlist.
Way Of The Axe (Bronze)
Completed guitar tutorials.
Way Of The Skins (Bronze)
Completed drum tutorials.
Way Of The Voice (Silver)
Completed vocals tutorials.
Whole Lotta Mojo (Silver)
Fire Mojo powers 300 times over the course of Unite The Clans

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