
One Piece: Pirate Warriors

A list of Trophies obtained for playing the game.
100,000 vs. 10 (Gold)
Defeat 100,000 enemies in total
2 years later (Bronze)
Clear the first stage in the Main Log
A lone wolf chooses the patch of Death (Bronze)
Land a Special Attack against Aokiji
Ah crap, I'm losing my strenth! (Bronze)
Fall into the water 10 times
Black-Leg Sanji (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Sanji
Burglar Cat Nami (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Nami
Chopper loves cotton candy (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Tony Tony Chopper
Cyborg Franky (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Franky
Devil Child Nico Robin (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Nico Robin
Fire Fist Ace (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Portgas D. Ace
Got your feet!! (Bronze)
Land a Special Attack against Buggy the Clown
Humming Brook (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Brook
I have my crew!! (Bronze)
Unleaseh a crewmate strike for the first time
I never said... I was giving up! (Bronze)
Land a Special Attack against Rob Lucci
I smell adventure! (Bronze)
Perform a Luffy action for the first time
I will surpass you! (Bronze)
Collect all Enemy pirate Coins
I'll kick your ass!! (Bronze)
Knock out an enemy by striking his weak-point for the first time
I'll snap his nose! (Bronze)
Land a Special Attack against Arlong
I'm alone, clear the way!! (Bronze)
Land 1,000 KO's
Jimbei, Warrior of the Sea (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Jimbei
Join my crew! (Bronze)
Establish a skill for the first time
King of the Pirates! (Platnium)
Get all trophies
King of the Snipers, Sogeking (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Usopp
Move it!! (Bronze)
Land a Special Attack against Blueno
Next is you Straw-Hat! (Bronze)
Land a Special Attack against Akainu
Pirate Empress Boa Hancock (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Boa Hancock
Pirate Hunter Zoro (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Roronoa Zoro
Prepare yourself! (Bronze)
Land a Special Attack against Don Krieg
Run for it, we've got the gold (Gold)
Achieved all skills
Sorry, I died (Bronze)
You retried an episode
Straw Hat Luffy (Gold)
Cleared the Main Log
Straw Hat Pirates (Bronze)
Collect all Straw Hat Pirate Coins
Thank you for loving me (Silver)
Clear Marineford as it happened in the story
The full might of the Marines (Bronze)
Collect all Marine character Coins
Too slow! (Bronze)
Land a Special Attack against Pacifista
Whitebeard the Great Pirate (Silver)
Clear Another Log with Whitebeard
You don't understand a thing! (Bronze)
Land a Special Attack against Crocodile

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