

There are 30 Bronze Trophies, 7 Silver Trophies, 4 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
100% Clear (Platinum)
This is the platinum trophy and is unlocked automatically when all the trophies have been unlocked
Art-lover (Bronze)
Destroyed 100 Statues
Cannon Bullseye (Bronze)
Take out a Dozabot with the Cannon
Cannon Crackshot (Silver)
Take out 100 Dozabots with the Cannon
Cloudberry Catcher (Bronze)
Collected 100 Cloudberries
Cloudberry Collector (Bronze)
Collected 1000 Cloudberries
Cloudberry Enthusiast (Bronze)
Collected 10000 Cloudberries
Cloudberry Obsessive (Silver)
Collected 20000 Cloudberries
Completed Doza Fortress (Silver)
Cleared all of the levels in Doza Fortress
Completed Karibu Valley (Silver)
Cleared all of the levels in Karibu Valley
Completed Lake Waka (Silver)
Cleared all of the levels in Lake Waka
Completed Noko Woods (Silver)
Cleared all of the levels in Noko Woods
Doza Fortress - 100% (Gold)
Completed all Doza Fortress challenges
Doza Fortress - Cloudberry Catcher (Bronze)
Collected all Cloudberry medals in Doza Fortress
Doza Fortress - Dozabot Hunter (Bronze)
Collect all the Dozabot medals in Doza Fortress
Doza Fortress - Egg Ranger (Bronze)
Doza Fortress - Egg Ranger
Doza Fortress - Speed of the Wind (Bronze)
Collect all Time medals in Doza Fortress
Dozabot Devastator (Silver)
Get this trophy when you destroy 5000 dozabots!
Dozabot Nemesis (Bronze)
Get this trophy when you destroy 1000 dozabots!
Dozabot Ranger (Bronze)
Get this trophy when you destroy 100 dozabots!
Dozabot Reaper (Bronze)
Get this trophy when you destroy 500 dozabots!
Dozabot Scrapper (Bronze)
Get this trophy when you destroy 5 Dozabots
Forest Defender (Bronze)
Beat 10 Rounds of Tower of Kat
Goat Warrior (Bronze)
Beat 10 Rounds of Goat Guardians
Karibu Valley - 100% (Gold)
Completed all Karibu Valley challenges
Karibu Valley - Cloudberry Catcher (Bronze)
Collected all Cloudberry medals in Karibu Valley
Karibu Valley - Dozabot Hunter (Bronze)
Collect all the Dozabot medals in Karibu Valley
Karibu Valley - Speed of the Wind (Bronze)
Collect all Time medals in Karibu Valley
Karibu Valley- Egg Ranger (Bronze)
Karibu Valley- Egg Ranger
Lake Waka - 100% (Gold)
Completed all Lake Waka challenges
Lake Waka - Cloudberry Catcher (Bronze)
Collected all Cloudberry medals in Lake Waka
Lake Waka - Dozabot Hunter (Bronze)
Collect all the Dozabot medals in Lake Waka
Lake Waka - Egg Ranger (Bronze)
Lake Waka - Egg Ranger
Lake Waka - Speed of the Wind (Bronze)
Collect all Time medals in Lake Waka
Lord of the Bushybeasts (Bronze)
Beat 10 Rounds of Bushybeast Rampage
Master Mechanic (Bronze)
Beat 10 Rounds of Mechanic Mayhem
Noko Woods - 100% (Gold)
Completed all Noko Woods challenges
Noko Woods - Cloudberry Catcher (Bronze)
Collected all Cloudberry medals in Noko Woods
Noko Woods - Dozabot Hunter (Bronze)
Collect all the Dozabot medals in Noko Woods
Noko Woods - Egg Ranger (Bronze)
Noko Woods - Egg Ranger
Noko Woods - Speed of the Wind (Bronze)
Collect all Time medals in Noko Woods
Tree Hugger (Bronze)
Cleaned up 100 Pollution Patches

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