
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

Complete each requirement to get the specified Trophy.
All missions successfully completed (Gold)
Successfully Complete All Missions
Dragon Sword Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Dragon Sword
Dual Katana Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Dual Katana
Eclipse Scythe Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Eclipse Scythe
Enma's Fang Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Enma's Fang
Falcon's Talons Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Falcon's Talons
Feat of a Hundred Slashes (Bronze)
100 Hit Combo With Any Weapon
Feat of a Thousand Obliterations (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies Using Obliteration Techniques
Feat of Ultimate Destruction (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies Using Ultimate Techniques
Guillotine Throw Master (Bronze)
Perform 1000 Guillotine Throws
Izuna Drop Master (Bronze)
Perform 1000 Izuna Drops
Kusari-Gama Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Kusari-Gama
Learned Shadowless Footsteps (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Shadowless Footsteps Technique
Learned The Art of Flame Phoenix (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Art of the Flame Phoenix Ninpo
Learned The Art of Inferno (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Art of the Inferno Ninpo
Learned The Art of Piercing Void (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Art of the Piercing Void Ninpo
Learned The Art of Wind Blades (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Art of the Wind Blades Ninpo
Learned The Counter Attack (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Counter Attack Technique
Learned The Flying Bird Flip (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Flying Bird Flip Technique
Learned The Flying Swallow (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Flying Swallow Technique
Learned The Furious Wind (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Furious Wind Technique
Learned The Guillotine Throw (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Guillotine Throw Technique
Learned The Invisible Path (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Invisible Path Technique
Learned The Izuna Drop (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Izuna Drop Technique
Learned The Obliteration Technique (Bronze)
Successfully Perform Obliteration Technique
Learned The Reverse Wind (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Reverse Wind Technique
Learned The Ultimate Guidance (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Ultimate Guidance Technique
Learned The Ultimate Technique (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Ultimate Technique
Learned The Unrivaled Soaring (Bronze)
Successfully Perform The Unrivaled Soaring Technique
Lunar Staff Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Lunar Staff
Master Of The Secret Arts (Platinum)
Obtain all trophies.
Rescued 100 ninja. (Bronze)
Rescue 100 People In Need
Tonfa Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Tonfa
Ultimate Ninpo Master (Bronze)
Chant 100 Ultimate Ninpo Spells
Vigoorian Flail Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Vigoorian Flail
Special Costume Unlockables
Ayane Costume - Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Clear story mode once on Warrior or Master Ninja Difficulty
Ayane Costume - Son Shoykou
Clear 20 missions on Team Mission Mode
Hayabusa Costume - Choun Shiyru
Clear story mode on Acoloyte difficulty
Hayabusa Costume - Classic Ninja
Clear 10 missions on Team Mission Mode
Hayabusa Costume - Devil Hayabusa
Clear story mode once on Warrior or Master Ninja difficulty
Hayabusa Costume - Ninja Golden Sigma
Achieve Master Ninja ranking on 10 cha pters in Chapter mission Mode
Momiji Costume - Sanzo Houshi
Achieve Master Ninja ranking for 30 chapters in Chapter Challenge mode
Momiji Costume - Training
Clear story mode once on Warrior or Master Ninja difficulty
Rachel Costumes - Chosen
Clear story mode once on Master difficulty
Rachel Costumes - Cutie Long Hair
Clear story mode once on Acolyte or Warrior difficulty
Rachel Costumes - Short Wolf Hair
Clear story mode once on Acolyte or Warrior difficulty
Rachel Costumes - Sweet Curl Hair
Clear story mode once on Acolyte or Warrior difficulty
Extra Costumes
Beating certain difficulties and meeting other requirements unlock these outfits for selection in single player and team missions.
Assassin Rachel (Short Hair)
Beat the game on Acolyte or Warrior
Classic Hayabusa (Ryuken)
Beat 10 Team Missions
Cutie Rachel (Long Hair)
Beat the game on Acolyte or Warrior
Devil Hayabusa (Fiend)
Beat the game on Acolyte or Warrior
Dragon Clone Hayabusa (Sigma 1)
Earn Master Ninja on 10 Chapter Challenges
Dragon Sword Momiji (Training)
Beat the game on Acolyte or Warrior
Dynasty Warriors Ayane (Son Shokou)
Beat 20 Team Missions
Dynasty Warriors Hayabusa (Choun Shiryu)
Beat the game on Mentor
Dynasty Warriors Momiji (Sanzo Houshi)
Earn Master Ninja on 30 Chapter Challenges
Dynasty Warriors Rachel (Chosen)
Beat the game on Mentor
Sigma 1 Ayane (Hooded)
Beat the game on Acolyte or Warrior
Sweet Rachel (Curls)
Beat the game on Acolyte or Warrior
Unlocking Team Mission Mode
To unlock Team Mission Mode just complete the 1st Mission on Story Mode any difficulty level.
Team Mission Mode
Beat First Mission on Story Mode
Chapter Challenge Mode
Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock Chapter Challenge mode.
Golden Health Bar
Beat the game on Master Ninja.

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