Various cheats
To enter the code, simply hold down all the buttons as shown. As
well as pushing the analog sticks down, you will also need to move
them in the direction shown in ().
Enter the Big Head code whilst paused, and the Everything code on
the main menu. You will here a noise if done correctly
Big Head (ATVs and Bikes)
Pause the game, then hold L1+L2+R1+R2+R3(whilst pushed
right)+L3(whilst pushed left)
Unlock Everything
At main menu hold L1+L2+R1+R2+R3(whilst pushed up)+L3(whilst
pushed down)
Single Player Mirror Mode
Hold down L1, L2, R1, R2, L3 (While holding right), R3 (While
holding left)
Extra boost at the end of a race:
When the finish line is fairly close, throw on the boost. Keep
holding on the boost and the car's engine will began to heat up. Keep
held the boost and your car will explode a few seconds later and you
will fly forward at an extremely high speed to the finish line.
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Игра понравилась, только соперники на третьем круге начинают жулить - стараются зажать тебя к стене. Мало того, сами упираются в стену и преграждают путь к финишу. Такое ощущение, что в MotorStorm играешь против команды игроков в одиночку, хотя, вроде как бы, каждый сам за себя...
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