Music Tracks
Music unlocks in conjunction with your save file for MGS4. So if
you have a save at the end of the game, you will have all Music Tracks
unlocked for MGO, if you have a save after you have beaten a boss,
their track will be unlocked.
However if you continue a completed save file, you will lose all
tracks in MGO until you unlock them again.
Online ranks that show next to your name:
Bear Have a large amount of CQC attacks given
Bee Uses lots of scans
Crocodile Very good kill death ratio
Eagle Large percents of headshots
Flying Squirrel Have a high percentage of rolling
Jaws Large Amount of Knife Kills
Kerotan Prefers Capture rules
Night Owl Use the ENVG a lot
Pigeon Perfers non lethal attacks
Rat Falls for a lot of traps
Sloth Gets shot in the head a lot
Snake Perfers sneaking missions
Turtle Use the Cardboard box a lot
Secret: Singing
During gameplay, in the text menu (on either all or team) type
for your character to hum/whitsle/sing a part the Metal Gear Online
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