There are 38 Bronze Trophies, 10 Silver Trophies, 2 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
All In (Silver)
Called in Apache support
Back in the Fight (Gold)
Completed one tour with all classes.
Brothers in Arms (Bronze)
Won a round with a friend as a Fire Team Buddy
Class Dismissed (Bronze)
Completed Connect the Dots
Closing Ceremony (Bronze)
Completed Old Friends
Dirty Laundry (Bronze)
Found the grenades in the laundry room in Bump in the Night
Double Header (Bronze)
Killed two enemies with one bullet in the Changing Tides mission
Downrange (Bronze)
Played online for 15 minutes
Extreme Realism (Bronze)
Recovered from near-death 5 times without dying
For Honor For Country (Platinum)
Collected all other Medal of Honor Warfighter Trophies
Global Warfighters (Silver)
Unlocked a soldier from each unit
Hardcore (Gold)
Completed the campaign on Hardcore difficulty
Hit the Beach (Bronze)
Completed Shore Leave
Honey Badger (Bronze)
Used your Fire Team buddy to re-arm or heal
It's Dangerous to go Alone! (Bronze)
Requested ammo from an Ally in the Campaign
Jack of all Guns (Silver)
Earn the Marksman Badge for all Weapons
Job done (Bronze)
Complete 3 Combat Mission objectives
Know the Enemy (Bronze)
Completed Through the Eyes of Evil
Lead Farmer (Bronze)
Requested ammo from an Ally 25 times in Campaign
Lean With It (Bronze)
Killed 25 enemies while using peek and lean during the Campaign
Leftover Lead (Bronze)
Completed the sniping section in Shore Leave without missing a shot
Let Him Rot (Bronze)
Completed Shut It Down
Master Locksmith (Bronze)
Used each breaching option at least once
Monsoon Lagoon (Bronze)
Completed Rip Current
MVP (Silver)
MVP in a ranked match
Non-Official Cover (Bronze)
Completed Finding Faraz
On the Clock (Bronze)
Completed the training in Through the Eyes of Evil in under 18 seconds
One Man Mutiny (Bronze)
Completed Bump in the Night
One Shot, Three Kills (Bronze)
Completed Hat Trick
Pedal to the Medal (Bronze)
Completed Hello and Dubai
Peek-a-Boo (Bronze)
Killed an enemy while using peek and lean in the Campaign
Pit and Pin (Bronze)
Completed Hot Pursuit
Preacher's Path (Silver)
Finished all the Preacher Missions
Rain of Terror (Bronze)
Completed Changing Tides
Release the Kraken! (Bronze)
Killed 20 enemies during the boat exfil in Rip Current
Room Service (Bronze)
Unlocked all door breach options
Squad Leader (Bronze)
Unlocked a soldier of each class
Storm Watch (Bronze)
Got through the sandstorm without hitting any vehicles in Hello and Dubai
Stump's No Chump (Silver)
Finished all the Stump Missions
Tactical Toggler (Bronze)
Killed 25 enemies while using Combat Toggle
Tag, You're It (Bronze)
Caught Faraz within 15 minutes in Finding Faraz
Target Practice (Bronze)
Shot down the targets in the training camp caves in Connect the Dots
The Axeman (Bronze)
Killed 25 enemies with melee during the Campaign
There IS an I in Fire Team (Bronze)
Finished a round as part of the top Fire Team
Tier 1 (Silver)
Completed the campaign on Tier 1 difficulty
Tier 1 Imports (Bronze)
Got 50 kills while holding enemy weapons
Unexpected Cargo (Bronze)
Completed Unintended Consequences
Unstoppable (Silver)
Completed a combat mission on Hardest difficulty setting without dying
Vender Bender (Bronze)
Destroyed 90 market stalls in Hot Pursuit
Warchief (Silver)
Unlocked all soldiers in multiplayer
Warfighter (Silver)
Completed the campaign
Unlock Tier 1 & Hardcore modes
Tier 1 mode is Hard mode without a HUD (Heads-Up Display), and Hardcore mode has no Checkpoints (if you die/fail, you start the Campaign over). Once unlocked, both difficulties are access by starting a new Campaign and changing the difficulty setting.
Hardcore Mode
Complete the Warfighter Campaign on Hard Difficulty
Tier 1 Mode
Complete the Warfighter Campaign on Hard Difficulty
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