
Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond

Complete each requirement to receive the Trophies. There are 7 Bronze Trophies, 4 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Come On Down! (Silver)
Collect all the pachinko coins in the game.
Half Way There (Bronze)
Complete half the game.
Houston, We Have Perfection (Gold)
Take no damage to the Landing Pod and land perfectly on the landing pad.
Its Aboot Time (Bronze)
Complete 'Oh. Canada' in 12 minutes.
Lights out (Bronze)
Defeat the level 2 boss 'Old Berney' without losing a life.
Master collector (Silver)
Collect all the Matt Hazard Game Boxes throughout the game.
My buddy and me (Silver)
Complete the game in Co-op mode.
Score (Silver)
Reach 500,000 points.
Smooth sailing (Bronze)
Complete 'The Hate Boat' without using a continue.
Stick That In Your Archive (Bronze)
Complete the game in single player mode.
With honor (Bronze)
Defeat 10 Samurai in 'Well FU too'
Your Life For Mine (Bronze)
Steal a life from a buddy, he doesn't need it.

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