Complete each condition to get the allotted trophies. There are
12 Bronze and 4 Silver Trophies.
Can't Get Enough (bronze):
Complete 25 different layouts in "Infinity" mode
Come Out and Play (bronze):
Play 50 network games
Didn't Buy a Clue (bronze):
Complete an entire Tale without using the Hint button
Dragon Slayer (bronze):
Complete all levels in "Motion" mode
I Don't Need No Stinking Power-Ups (bronze):
Complete "Motion" mode without using "Bomb", "Cannon", "Ice"
and "Wilde number" Power-Ups
Infinity and Beyond (silver):
Complete 100 different layouts in "Infinity" mode
Matchmaker (silver):
Match 2000 sets oftiles
Quick on the Draw (bronze):
Make 5 Quick Matches in-a-row
Sage (bronze):
Complete all Tales in "Ancient Tales" mode
Score! (bronze):
Score (at least) 2500 remaining tiles points in one "Ancient Tales" level
Speedy Reader (bronze):
Complete an "ancient Tales" layout in less than 2 minutes
The Duelist (bronze):
Win 5 Network games in-a-row
The Gunslinger (bronze):
Win 25 Network games
Who Needs Sleep? (silver):
Complete "Motion" mode without losing a single life
Who's the Master? (silver):
Recieve "Sage", "Dragon Slayer" and "Infinity and Beyond" trophies
Why Stop With Just One? (bronze):
Complete a single Tale in "Ancient Tales" mode
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