Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013
Foil Promotional Unlocks
On the player status page, click on the promotions page. From there at the bottom, hit the enter code button. Enter each of the following codes to unlock one card per deck, up to a total of 40 cards for each deck.
Promo Unlock 01
Promo Unlock 02
Promo Unlock 03
Promo Unlock 04
Promo Unlock 05
Promo Unlock 06
Promo Unlock 07
Promo Unlock 08
Promo Unlock 09
Promo Unlock 10
There are 14 Trophies - 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 11 Bronze.
Archmage (Silver)
Unlock 30 cards for one deck
Beast Within (Bronze)
Win a duel controlling a creature with at least 10 power
Challenge Master (Bronze)
Solve ten challenges
Dragon Slayer (Gold)
Defeat Nicol Bolas in the revenge campaign
Fearless Explorer (Bronze)
Defeat ten encounters
Flawless (Bronze)
Win a campaign duel with 20 or more life
Jack of All Trades (Silver)
Unlock a card for each of ten different decks
Last Mage Standing (Bronze)
Win a 3-player, 4-player, or Two-Headed Giant duel
Maelstrom Wanderer (Bronze)
Win a Planechase campaign duel
Master of the Wild Hunt (Bronze)
Win a duel controlling at least ten creatures
Otherworldly Journey (Bronze)
Win a duel online
Praetor Slayer (Bronze)
Solve the Say Your Praetors challenge in all five ways
Savor the Moment (Bronze)
Win a campaign duel with an opponent's library empty
Two-Headed Giant (Bronze)
Win a Two-Headed Giant duel
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