
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

Unlimited ammunition
     Pause  game  play,  then  press  R2, R1, Triangle, Square, Right,
Down,  Left,  L1, L2, R2, R1, Triangle, Square, Right, Down, Left, L1,
L2,  R2,  L2,  L1,  R1, Triangle, Left, Down, Square, R1 + L1. A sound
will  confirm  correct code entry. The code will remain in effect only
for the current level and will be disabled when the game is stopped or
after  the  level  is completed. This is only usable in Easy and Story

Unlimited health
     Pause  game play, then press Down(3), Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle,
Up,  Triangle,  Up(3), Down, Square, Down, Square, Down, Square, Left,
Triangle,  Right,  Square,  Left,  Triangle, Right, Square, R1 + L1. A
sound  will confirm correct code entry. The code will remain in effect
only  for  the  current  level  and  will be disabled when the game is
stopped  or  after the level is completed. This is only usable in Easy
and Story mode.

T-ENG 500 points added
     Pause  game  play,  then press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left,
Right,  Square,  Triangle,  R1 + L1. A sound will confirm correct code
entry.  The  code will remain in effect only for the current level and
will  be  disabled  when  the  game  is  stopped or after the level is
completed. This is only usable in Easy and Story mode.

Control ending sequence
     Hold  L2 + L1 + R2 + R1 + Square + Triangle + B during the ending
sequence  before  "Test  Player" is reached to control Wayne's LP-9999
VS. You can fly to the destroyed Akrid.

Control intermission sequence view
     Press  B,  A,  Square,  Triangle,  B,  A, Square, Triangle, B, A,
Square, Triangle during an intermission sequence to control the view. 


Extreme difficulty
     Successfully complete the game.

PlayStation 3 exclusive "Online" mode characters.
     Meet   these  conditions  you  will  get  a  noticed  that  these
characters  will  be  unlocked  as you enter the "Character Selection"
menu for "Online" mode.

Unlockable:    How to Unlock:

Joe            Complete "Campaign" mode regardless of difficulty.

Luka           Find all Target Marks in "Campaign" mode for all mission 
               on any one difficulty.

Frank West     Reach level 90 in "Online" mode.

Mega Man       Play 100 matches in "Online" mode.

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