
Kung Fu Panda 2

There are 23 Bronze Trophies, 19 Silver Trophies, 1 Gold Trophy, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
Amazingly Awesome (Bronze)
Find 300 Steel
Armor Acquisition (Silver)
Find all the Armor Pieces for the Armorer
Awesome! (Bronze)
Find 100 Steel
Blade Master (Silver)
Defeat 10 Enemies while holding a weapon
Boundless Fists (Bronze)
Defeat 10 Wolves
Claws of Courage (Bronze)
Get a boost from Tigress
Crushed by Master Croc (Silver)
Defeat the Wolf Leader 3 Times
Demolished the Dragon (Gold)
Defeat Xiao Dan in Combat
Destined for Awesomeness (Bronze)
Find 100 Iron
Escaped the Enemy (Silver)
Escape your first encounter with Xiao Dan
Fangs of Fury (Bronze)
Rescue Viper in the undercity
Getting Awesomer (Silver)
Find 600 Iron
Gorilla Grinder (Bronze)
Defeat 3 Gorillas
Helped into the Harbor (Bronze)
Defeat the Wolf Leader Once
How Zen-like (Silver)
Defeat 24 Gorillas
Journey of Discovery (Silver)
Find all the Jade Statuettes for Master Croc
Komodo Clobber (Bronze)
Defeat 8 Komodos
Kung Fu Power (Bronze)
Defeat 12 Gorillas
Master Croc (Silver)
Stun 10 Enemies with Acu-punch
Master Ox (Silver)
Smash 10 Enemy Shields with Thunder Strike
Master Shifu (Silver)
Bowl over 10 Enemies with Kung Fu Curl
Now Serving Justice (Silver)
Find all the Black Blades for Master Ox
Panda Pow (Bronze)
Defeat 40 Wolves
Pincers of Power (Bronze)
Rescue Mantis in the tunnel
Platinum Trophy (Platinum)
Earn all Memorabilia
Pretty Awesome (Bronze)
Find 300 Iron
Ridiculously Awesome (Silver)
Find 600 Steel
Shakabooie! (Silver)
Find 600 Gold
Shen is defeated! (Silver)
Find 1 Red Symbol
Shen is obliterated! (Silver)
Find 1/2 of the Red Symbols
Ska-doosh! (Bronze)
Find 300 Gold
Strike with Style (Silver)
Defeat 80 Wolves
Student of Master Croc (Bronze)
Learn Master Croc's incredible Acu-punch technique
Student of Master Ox (Bronze)
Learn Master Ox's ground-pounding Thunder Strike technique
Student of Shifu (Bronze)
Learn Master Shifu's slick Kung Fu Curl technique
Student of the Blade (Bronze)
Defeat your first enemy with a weapon
Tail of Triumph (Bronze)
Rescue Monkey from the Komodos
Tao of Pow (Bronze)
Defeat 32 Komodos
Tumbled from the Tower (Bronze)
Defeat the Gorilla Leader Once
Vanquished in the Village (Silver)
Defeat the Gorilla Leader 2 Times
Who was this Shen guy again? (Silver)
Find all of the Red Symbols
Wings of Walloping (Bronze)
Help Crane defeat the wolves
Yeeeeeah! (Bronze)
Find 100 Gold
You Just Got Panda'd (Silver)
Defeat 64 Komodos

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