Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore 2
Unlockable Videos
Meet the following conditions to unlock these videos to view
in "Video" mode.
All Judges:
Complete "American Idol" mode regardless of the length of the rounds.
I'm Every Woman #1:
Earn a Platinum Record for the song "I'm Every Woman".
I'm Every Woman #2:
Earn a Diamond Record for the song "I'm Every Woman".
Imagine #1:
Earn a Platinum Record for the song "Imagine".
Imagine #2:
Earn a Diamond Record for the song "Imagine".
Islands In The Stream:
Earn a Platinum Record for the song "Islands In The Stream".
Livin' On A Prayer #1:
Earn a Platinum Record for the song "Livin' On A Prayer".
Livin' On A Prayer #2:
Earn a Diamond Record for the song "Livin' On A Prayer".
Paint It Black:
Earn a Platinum Record for the song "Paint It Black".
Since U Been Gone:
Earn a Platinum Record for the song "Since U Been Gone".
Stayin' Alive:
Earn a Platinum Record for the song "Stayin' Alive".
Unlockable Characters
Meet the following conditions to unlock these characters.
DeVron: Earn 40 Platinum Records for 40 songs.
Georgia: Earn 22 Platinum Records for 22 songs
Jessica: Earn 35 Platinum Records for 35 songs.
Kazz: Earn 18 Platinum Records for 18 songs.
Keith: Earn 3 Platinum Records for 3 songs.
Marianne: Earn 1 Platinum Record for 1 song.
Sarah: Earn 12 Platinum Records for 12 songs.
Tyler: Earn 1 Diamond Record for 1 song.
Unlockable Songs
Meet the following conditions to unlock these songs.
Crazy In Love: Earn 5 Platinum Records for 5 songs.
Dance Like There's No Tomorrow: Earn 20 Platinum Records for 20 songs.
It's Not Over: Earn 10 Platinum Records for 10 songs.
Since U Been Gone: Earn 2 Platinum Records for 2 songs.
Wait For You: Earn 15 Platinum Records for 15 songs.
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