

Adventure (Bronze)
Pass through 15 gates while surfing through the sunken city.
Ancestors (Bronze)
Find a mysterious creature hidden in the temple.
Companion (Silver)
Finish the game with the same partner for the majority of the journey and return to the beginning.
Crossing (Bronze)
Reach the summit with a companion and return to the beginning.
Explore (Bronze)
Discover all cloth creatures in the desert.
History (Bronze)
Uncover all 10 ancient glyphs.
Mirage (Bronze)
Find the hidden desert flower.
Rebirth (Bronze)
Finish the game and return to the beginning.
Reflection (Bronze)
Sit and meditate with another player for more than 20 seconds.
Return (Bronze)
Start the journey again after a week long break.
Threshold (Bronze)
Cross the broken bridge without completely rebuilding it.
Transcendence (Gold)
Collect all unique glowing symbols across one or more journeys.
Trials (Bronze)
Sneak through the underground passage without tearing your scarf.
Wonder (Silver)
Meet 10 or more unique travelers.

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