
John Daly's ProStroke Golf

Approach Work (Silver)
Hole a shot from more than 20 yards.
Bedsfield Hall Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at Bedsfield Hall.
Bedsfield Hall Masters (Silver)
Finish in first place for the Bedsfield Hall Masters.
Birdie (Bronze)
Finish a hole one shot under par.
Birdie King (Gold)
Score 100 Birdies in tournament, challenge, exhibition or online matches.
British Domination (Silver)
Defeat John Daly on all five British courses.
Chart Hills Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at Chart Hills.
Conqueror (Platinum)
Unlock all trophies for the game.
Crash And Burn (Bronze)
Hit the ball from one bunker to another.
Dale Hill Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at Dale Hill.
Dale Hill Classic (Bronze)
Finish in the top eight of the Dale Hill Classic.
Dialed In (Bronze)
Hole a putt from more than 10 feet away.
Driving King (Bronze)
Hit a ball further than 320 yards.
Eagle (Silver)
Finish a hole two shots under par.
Edwards International Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at Edwards International.
Edwards Trophy (Bronze)
Finish in the top six for the Edwards Trophy.
First Ace (Gold)
Score a hole in one.
G.I.R. (Bronze)
Hit a green in regulation.
Harpers Heritage Trophy (Bronze)
Finish within eight shots of the winner in the Harpers Heritage Trophy.
Harpers Lake Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at Harpers Lake.
La Gomera Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at La Gomera.
La Gomera Open (Bronze)
Finish within four shots of the winner in the La Gomera Open.
McIntosh Forest Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at McIntosh Forest.
McIntosh Masters (Silver)
Finish in the top three of the McIntosh Masters.
Mediterranean Domination (Silver)
Defeat John Daly on all three Mediterranean courses.
Mijas Classic (Silver)
Finish in first place for the Mijas Classic.
Mijas Gardens Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at Mijas Gardens.
Monster Putt (Silver)
Sink a putt from over 30 feet away.
Mystic Rock Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at Mystic Rock.
Mystic Rock Open (Bronze)
Finish within eight shots of the winner in the Mystic Rock Open.
North American Domination (Silver)
Defeat John Daly on all four North American courses.
Perfect host (Bronze)
Host and play a four-player online match.
Pin High (Bronze)
Hit the flag from an approach off the green.
Predator (Silver)
Win a game online.
The Belfry Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at The Belfry.
The Brabazon Open (Bronze)
Finish in the top six of the Brabazon Open.
The Chart Hills Cup (Silver)
Finish in first place for the Chart Hills Cup.
The Shire Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at The Shire.
The Shire Masters (Bronze)
Finish within eight shots of the winner in The Shire Masters.
Two's Company (Bronze)
Play in a pairs match.
Viannos Open (Bronze)
Finish in the top four for the Viannos Open.
Viannos Steps Challenge (Bronze)
Defeat John Daly at Viannos Steps.
World Champion (Gold)
Win all twelve tournaments.

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