

     Complete each requirement to get the specified Trophy.

AC/DC (Bronze):               Drain 750 megawatts of power 
                              from Empire City.

Back With Trish (Bronze):     Reconciled with Trish.

Casey Jones (Bronze):         Take down 25 enemies 
                              while riding on a moving train.

Civic Leader (Silver):        Take over all territory in the Warren.

Clean Up Your Act (Silver):   Defeat Sasha.

Community Organizer (Silver): Take over all territory 
                              in the Neon District.

Confirmed Bachelor (Bronze):  Trish hates you.

Doctor Cole (Bronze):         Heal 250 pedestrians.

Drop Everything (Bronze):     Thunder Drop for a total distance of 
                              at least 500 meters.

Electric Hobo (Bronze):       Ride the train for 2 kilometers.

Evil Eats (Bronze):           Bad guys never share their food.

Evil Exposure (Bronze):       Bad guys love to be seen.

Evil Finish (Silver):         Beat the game while Infamous.

Evil Intentions (Bronze):     Bad guys can't say goodbye.

Evil Riot (Bronze):           Bad guys love starting riots.

Evil Sphere (Bronze):         Bad guys always want more power.

Evil to the Core (Silver):    Purchase every negative Karma upgrade 
                              for each power.

Evil Train (Bronze):          Bad guys make it clear who the boss is.

Fish in a Barrel (Bronze):    Kill 50 enemies by using water.

Frequent Flyer (Bronze):      Travel 5 kilometers using Static Thrusters.

Further Down the Rabbit 
Hole (Bronze):                Collect all Dead Drops in the Warren.

Get Off My Cloud (Bronze):    Get 100 High Fall take downs.

Good Eats (Bronze):           Good guys feed the needy.

Good Exposure (Bronze):       Good guys are heroes to others.

Good Finish (Silver):         Beat the game as a Hero.

Good Intentions (Bronze):     Good guys work for the greater good.

Good Riot (Bronze):           Good guys stand up and take the heat.

Good Sphere (Bronze):         Good guys put a stop to the madness.

Good Train (Bronze):          Good guys proactively facilitate 
                              transportation solutions.

Goody Two Shoes (Silver):     Reach full positive Karma.

Hard Finish (Gold):           Finish story mode on Hard, without 
                              changing the difficulty setting.

Hotfoot (Bronze):             Travel 25 kilometers 
                              while riding the rails.

InFamous Platinum:            Collect all trophies.

Junior Geologist (Bronze):    Find 25% of the Shards.

Just Scratched the Surface 
(Bronze):                     Collect all Dead Drops 
                              in the Neon District.

Member of the Mineral Club 
(Bronze):                     Find 50% of the Shards.

Oh, You've Done This Before 
(Bronze):                     Take down 50 enemies by sticking 
                              them with a grenade.

Red Baron (Bronze):           Take down 100 enemies 
                              while they are airborne.

Road Kill (Bronze):           Take down 25 enemies while riding 
                              on the roof of a moving vehicle.

Rockhound (Bronze):           Find 100% of the Shards.

Stunt Coordinator (Bronze):   Complete 10 of the stunts 
                              on the stunt list.

Stunt Man (Bronze):           Complete any one stunt 
                              from the stunt list.

Stunt Master (Silver):        Complete all of the stunts 
                              on the stunt list.

Taking Out The Trash 
(Bronze):                     Defeat Alden.

The Hunger (Bronze):          Bio Leech 100 enemies.

True Hero (Silver):           Purchase every positive Karma upgrade 
                              for each power.

True Potential (Bronze):      Purchase every upgrade 
                              for a single power.

Truly Infamous (Silver):      Reach full negative Karma.

Urban Designer (Silver):      Take over all territory 
                              in the Historic District.

You're so Sly (Bronze):       Collect all Dead Drops 
                              in the Historic District.

Charge Now, Pay Later
     Although  there  are  tons  of energy sources for you to drain in
most cases, you sometimes get caught in a tough spot trying to survive
at a location where there's no more energy to drain.

     Use your lightning bolt (costs no ENG) to charge a battery, light
post,  or  other  drained  energy  source,  then  drain  it once it is
charged.  If  the  object  doesn't  overload  and  explode like Zeke's
batteries, you will be able to recuperate your entire energy meter and
have a good place to use your precision shot to take out enemies. 

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