100-million Credit Limit (Bronze)
"Whoa! I saved up 100,000,000 Credits! I dunno if anyone needs that much, but it's like free food for life!" -Neptune
Avid Newsie (Bronze)
"Extra, extra! You saw every Nepstation episode! Oh yeah, didn't this game get a perfect score on there!?" -Neptune
Aww, Exercise... (Bronze)
"I know this is my first fight in a while, but...level one!? Ya gotta be joshin' me!" -Neptune
Battle Master (Silver)
"And so, the invincible Neptune battled 500 times, risking life and limb. Haha, yeah, I can sound cool if I want!" -Neptune
Chapter 1 Clear (Bronze)
"Chapter 1 complete! Climbing Mt. Nep-Nep is hard work, but let's go for it!" -Neptune
Chapter 2 Clear (Bronze)
"Chapter 2 complete! But Gamindustri's history is still like, page 1." -Neptune
Chapter 3 Clear (Bronze)
"Chapter 3 complete! The next chapter is super-duper coolios!" -Neptune
Chapter 4 Clear (Bronze)
"Chapter 4 complete! Let's play more! I mean, if Nepgear will forgive me..." -Neptune
Chapter 5 Clear (Bronze)
"Chapter 5 complete! What kinda Planeptune will tomorrow bring?" -Neptune
Chapter 6 Clear (Bronze)
"Chapter 6 complete! Y'know, if I'm not in your party next time, I'm gonna flip out like a ninja." -Neptune
Chapter 7 Clear (Bronze)
"Chapter 7 complete! Now that puts the 'hyper' in 'hyperdimension'!" -Neptune
Chapter 8 Clear (Bronze)
"Chapter 8 complete! We won, you guys!" -Neptune
Chapter 9 Clear (Bronze)
"Chapter 9 complete! Save the Nep-Nep, save the world!" -Neptune
Combo Maker (Bronze)
"So you finally made a combo all your own, huh? Is it pizza-flavored?" -Neptune
Egg of Game Creation (Bronze)
"I totally burned my own game disc! And my thumb! And my index finger. And my nose." -Neptune
Fit for Fighting (Bronze)
"Congratulations to me! I mowed down over 100 baddies. Think I ran away like way more than that?" -Neptune
Forward to the Past (Bronze)
"Whoa, the Scouts found 10 Lost Places! I wonder if they found my stash of candied cookies..." -Neptune
Good Ending (Silver)
"We were able to save both worlds, so this is the Good Ending! But I still gotta be all, 'I'm so sorry please forgive your sister!' to Nepgear." -Nept
Hatched Game Creator (Bronze)
"They said I made a 'Godly Game' disc. Too bad this one isn't for sale, stinkers!" -Neptune
Hot Stuff: Blanc (Silver)
"Everyone's Lily Rank is maxed out with Blanc! When she's all calm and stuff, it's like sitting next to an oscillating fan of relaxation..." -Neptune
Hot Stuff: Nepgear (Silver)
"Everyone's Lily Rank is maxed out with Nepgear!? I guess it's no surprise that my darling sister would get spoiled by everyone." -Neptune
Hot Stuff: Neptune (Silver)
"Everyone's Lily Rank is maxed out with me! Wow, it looks like I'm all kinds of popular!" -Neptune
Hot Stuff: Noire (Silver)
"Oh, everyone's Lily Rank is maxed out with Noire? She's probably all like, 'b-but I don't like any of you or anything!' Wanna bet!?" -Neptune
Hot Stuff: Peashy (Silver)
"Everyone's Lily Rank is maxed out with Peashy! It makes me all warm and bubbly inside to see P-ko treated so well. I'm like the daddy!" -Neptune
Hot Stuff: Plutia (Silver)
"Everyone's Lily Rank is maxed out with Plutia! I guess it's more like Plutie made everyone into her pets..." -Neptune
Hot Stuff: Ram (Silver)
"Everyone's Lily Rank is maxed out with Ram! She's like a cat that gets hissy if you bug her too much. And she usually lands butter-side-down." -Neptu
Hot Stuff: Rom (Silver)
"Everyone's Lily Rank is maxed out with Rom! That shy kid sure has some kind of charm!" -Neptune
Hot Stuff: Uni (Silver)
"Everyone's Lily Rank is maxed out with Uni. It's kinda funny to see my sis get all flustered 'cuz her best buddy has a zillion other friends." -Neptu
Hot Stuff: Vert (Silver)
"Everyone's Lily Rank is maxed out with Vert! Not like she needs anything else maxed out, know what I'm sayin'!?" -Neptune
Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory Victor! (Platinum)
"Gamindustri's got nothing left to offer you! Thanks so much for being awesome!" -Neptune
It's Scoutin' Time! (Bronze)
"It's kinda bleh that Noire taught me how to use Scouts, but I got this keen trophy for using them or whatever!" -Neptune
Item Developer (Bronze)
"I know I developed an item so I could use it, but bawwwww! I put my heart into it..." -Neptune
Level Cap Found! (Bronze)
"Well well well, who reached level 99 first? It was me, right? IT WAS ME RIGHT!?!?" -Neptune
Mad Item Developer (Silver)
"I've seriously made 100 items!? May as well quit my day job as a goddess!" -Neptune
Massive Damage (Bronze)
"Wow! 100,000 damage! I guess unless you find someone's who's like, 'I got Infinity+1 HP!' you can one-hit KO anyone!" -Neptune
Neptunia Victory Begins! (Bronze)
"Ooh, looks like you started a new game! Think any game reviewers won't get this one!?" -Neptune
Nice Hits, Lady! (Bronze)
"Secret skill: Nep-Nep's 100 HITS! Wait, I don't have to get all 100 myself? Aw, plungers..." -Neptune
Normal Ending (Silver)
"Well, I guess it was a Normal Ending, so let's just be happy that peace has returned." -Neptune
Prologue Clear (Bronze)
"Prologue complete! Our battle has only just begun!" -Neptune
Quest Master (Silver)
"So we're at Quest Rank S? I can't believe they'd promote a slacker like me! Yokes on them!" -Neptune
Top of Their Class (Gold)
"Everyone's level 99 now! We're totally the bestest ever! Secret bosses ain't no thang! P-Probably..." -Neptune
True Ending (Gold)
"The True Ending has to be like this! Next time, there'll be 13 Goddesses, so we'll call it Hyperbakersdozen Neptunia: mk2many! Not really..." -Neptun