
Hyperdimension Neptunia

Actively Literate (Bronze)
Used Explore to advance the story.
Black Heart (Silver)
CPU Black Heart joins the party.
Blind Ambush (Bronze)
Encountered IF.
Business-Savvy Alchemist (Bronze)
Gust joined the party.
Chain Combo (Bronze)
Connected Combos using Combo Link.
Chest Stalker (Bronze)
Found a hidden treasure.
Console Battle (Bronze)
Fought in battle as a CPU.
Cracking the Wallet (Bronze)
Purchased something at the Shop.
Data Recovery (Bronze)
Released Histoire's seal.
Dual Revolver (Bronze)
Assembled the legendary weapon, Dual Revolver.
Eternal Combo Campion (Silver)
Reached 100 HIT with your original Combo.
Fairytale (Bronze)
Arrived at Lowee.
Gamindustri's Greatest Threat (Bronze)
The truth about Arfoire is revealed.
Green Heart (Silver)
CPU Green Heart joins the party.
Histoire Enthusiast (Gold)
Obtained all content.
It's Just a Tech Demo. (Bronze)
But it was the best demo ever.
Item Making (Bronze)
You used your synthesized item during battle.
Lastation Key (Bronze)
Obtained the Key Fragment in Lastation.
Leanbox Three-Six-Key (Bronze)
Obtained the Key Fragment in Leanbox.
Lowee Key (Bronze)
Obtained the Key Fragment in Lowee.
Medieval Fantasy (Bronze)
Arrived at Leanbox.
Modest-Breasted Heroine (Bronze)
Nisa joined the party.
Monster Huntress (Bronze)
Lured out a monster.
Multi-Platform (Silver)
Been everywhere in Gamindustri.
Nep-Nep Rocket (Bronze)
Destroyed an obstacle.
Nepgagaga Complete! (Silver)
Cleared the main scenario.
Neptune and the Seven Herbs (Bronze)
Neptune returns to the party.
Neptune: Engage! (Bronze)
Started your journey in Gamindustri.
Overclocked (Bronze)
Changed your processor unit.
Phutristic Phantasy (Bronze)
Returned to Planeptune.
Speedy Hunter (Gold)
Obtained S Rank in all Time Challenges.
Steam Punk (Bronze)
Arrived at Lastation.
Super Nep-Nep Galaxy (Bronze)
Defeated the monster in town.
Switch (Silver)
Switched with back-row members in battle 50 times.
Teamwork (Bronze)
Changed your formation.
The 8-bit Experience (Bronze)
Cleare the tutorial dungeon.
The Quest is Underway (Bronze)
Had your first battle on your new journey.
The Real Arfoire Stands Up (Gold)
Defeated Arfoire with the power of all CPUs combined.
Trendy (Bronze)
Changed your accessory.
Trinity Blade (Bronze)
Assembled the legendary weapon, Trinity Blade.
Trust Spear (Bronze)
Assembled the legendary weapon, Trust Spear.
Virtually Fighting (Bronze)
Created an original Combo.
White Heart (Silver)
CPU White Heart joins the party.
Wisdom Bow (Bronze)
Assembled the legendary weapon, Wisdom Bow.

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