Enter at main menu where campain multiplayer and options are
All missions
At the main menu, press Right Analog-stick Up, Right Analog-stick Down, L1, R1, Right Analog-stick Left, Right Analog-stick Right to unlock all missio
All planes
At the main menu, press L2, Right Analog-stick Left, R2, Right Analog-stick Right, L1, Triangle to unlock all planes.
Cheat mode
At the main menu, press Triangle, L2, D-pad Left, R2, D-pad Right, L1 to unlock the in-game cheat menu.
Unlockable Planes
On Rookie difficulty, you only need to complete the mission to unlock the plane. On Pilot and Ace difficulties, you also need to complete the Bonus Objective to unlock the plane.
Beaufighter TF Mk X
Complete Operation Cerberus on Pilot difficulty
Bf-109 E4
Complete London Burning on Rookie difficulty
Bf-109 E4 Ace
Complete Heart of the Empire on Ace difficulty
Bf-109 G10
Complete Heart of the Empire on Pilot difficulty
Bf-109 G6
Complete London Burning on Pilot difficulty
Bf-110 C-4
Complete Firestorm on Rookie difficulty
Bf-110 G-4
Complete Firestorm on Pilot difficulty
Fw190 A8
Complete Operation Jericho on Rookie difficulty
Fw190 F8
Complete Operation Jericho on Pilot difficulty
Fw190 F8 Ace
Complete The Butcher's Birds on Ace difficulty
G41 Meteor Mk III
Complete Eye of the Storm on Ace difficulty
He 219A-7/Rl Owl
Complete Firestorm on Ace difficulty
Hurricane Mk I I-c
Complete Phoney War on Pilot difficulty
Hurricane Mk I I-d
Complete Defense of the Realm on Pilot difficulty
Ju-87-B Stuka
Complete Fighter Superiority on Rookie difficulty
Macchi.202 Folgore
Complete Defense of the Realm on Ace difficulty
Me-262 A-2
Complete Operation Jericho on Ace difficulty
Me-262 Ace
Complete The Black Heart on Ace difficulty
Mosquito FB Mk V Series 3
Complete Party Crashers on Pilot difficulty
Mosquito NF Mk V Series 2
Complete Operation Cerberus on Rookie difficulty
P-38J Lightning
Complete Eagle Day on Ace difficulty
P-40-B Tomahawk
Complete Phoney War on Rookie difficulty
P-47B Thunderbolt
Complete Party Crashers on Rookie difficulty
P-47D-23 Thunderbolt
Complete The Butcher's Birds on Pilot difficulty
P-51A Mustang
Complete Eagle Day on Rookie difficulty
P-51D (NA-124) Mustang
Complete Battle of the Bulge on Pilot difficulty
P-51D Mustang
Complete Battle of the Bulge on Rookie difficulty
P-51H (NA-126) Mustang
Complete The Black Heart on Pilot difficulty
P-61 Black Widow
Complete The Black Heart on Rookie difficulty
P-80 Shooting Star
Complete Battle of the Bulge on Ace difficulty
Spitfire Mk I-a
Complete Defense of the Realm on Rookie difficulty
Spitfire Mk IX-c
Complete Fighter Superiority on Ace difficulty
Spitfire Mk V-b
Complete Fighter Superiority on Pilot difficulty
Spitfire XVI-e
Complete Party Crashers on Ace difficulty
Complete Heart of the Empire on Rookie difficulty
Tempest FB Mk II
Complete Eye of the Storm on Pilot difficulty
Tempest Mk V-II
Complete Eye of the Storm on Rookie difficulty
Typhoon Mk I-b
Complete The Butcher's Birds on Rookie difficulty
Whirlwind Mk II
Complete Eagle Day on Pilot difficulty
Complete Phoney War on Ace difficulty
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