
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit

There are 7 Bronze Trophies, 4 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Armed and dangerous! (Bronze)
Get the missiles from the shop! "Now's the time to strike back!"
Bug tracker! (Silver)
Kill 500 bugs in the game! "Thanks for your help!"
Fashion victim! (Bronze)
Have at least 10 face customisations. "Wow! All these fancy things!"
Good Santa! (Bronze)
Find a secret gift. "You are gifted, sir!"
Groundhog day lover! (Silver)
Die and retry more than 100 times. "You did it on purpose?"
Island master! (Bronze)
Open a gift sent from the Island "When you're the Boss, you have 365 birthdays."
JACKPOT!! (Silver)
Win the $10,000 jackpot on the slot machines. "You won the Grand Prize!"
Not a chicken! (Silver)
Clear 10 secondary missions. "You mission freak!"
Pimp that wheel! (Bronze)
Get at least 5 wheel customisations. "You can ride for hours!"
Quick rabbit! (Bronze)
Die less than 5 seconds after a respawn. "Ooooh! Poor thing! Want a cookie?"
Superior Completion Skillz! (Gold)
Finish the game! "Congratulations! Thanks for your hard work!"
Weapon Collector (Bronze)
Collect 8 weapons! "You got a full armoury!"

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