Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are
10 Bronze Trophies, 2 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
"Ow, Quit It!" (Bronze) Destroy the Supply Chopper in Mission Mode.
Who needs power-ups?
Big Red Button (Bronze) Go Ballistic... Use your first nuke!
Cannon Happy (Bronze) Complete 9 missions without nukes
or reinforcements
Champion of Freedom (Bronze) Survive 12 minutes of the enemy's attack
in any survival game
Cockroach of Freedom (Bronze) Withstand eight minutes of the Red Star
onslaught in any survival game
Comsat Uplink (Bronze) Play online with three other players
Freedom's Last Stand (Gold) Defeat all 19 Red Star Champions
in Boss Blitz Mode
Joint Command (Bronze) Stand together with another player
to complete one mission
Massive Destruction (Bronze) Destroy 10 enemies with a single nuke
Stockpile (Silver) Amass 5,000,000 points
Supaweapon! (Bronze) Collect components to complete a megalaser
Ultimate Tanker (Silver) Dispel the enemies of liberty.
Finish mission mode
World Tour (Bronze) Take a tour of each Red Star Country
and trash the place!
Complete the first 9 missions
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