Heavenly Sword
Glyph bonuses: Collect the indicated number of glyphs to unlock the corresponding bonus. Snowy Fort concept art 1 glyph Back of Snowy Fort art 2 glyphs Introduction "making of" video 3 glyphs Shen concept art 4 glyphs Shen with staff 5 glyphs Kai concept 6 glyphs The Legend Of The Sword animated prologue 7 glyphs Kai early concept art 8 glyphs Nariko color sketch 9 glyphs Angel's Grave speed stance combo 10 glyphs Heaven's Ascent speed stance combo 10 glyphs Swordsman concept 11 glyphs Nariko pencil sketch 12 glyphs Nariko early cover 13 glyphs Hell's Envy power stance combo 14 glyphs Hell's Wrath power stance combo 14 glyphs Young Kai concept art 15 glyphs Flying Angel aerial combo 16 glyphs Bohan armor concept art 17 glyphs Compassion level 2 superstyle 18 glyphs Lingering Touch level 2 superstyle 18 glyphs Startled Lover level 2 superstyle 18 glyphs Chapter 5 Port concept art 19 glyphs Nariko promo screenshot 20 glyphs Bohan weapon concept art 21 glyphs Angelic Fury speed stance combo 22 glyphs Twin Angels speed stance combo 22 glyphs Nariko costume concept art 23 glyphs Laughing Devil power stance combo 24 glyphs Striking Hell power stance combo 24 glyphs Flying Fox costume concept art 25 glyphs Andy Serkis as Bohan art 26 glyphs Nariko with Heavenly Sword 27 glyphs Bladed Downfall aerial combo 28 glyphs Kai with bow concept art 29 glyphs Flying Fox facial concept art 30 glyphs Nariko promo screenshot (second) 31 glyphs Bohan early concept art 33 glyphs Twisted Soul ranged stance combo 33 glyphs Violent Tempest ranged stance combo 33 glyphs Kai early concept art (second) 34 glyphs Axeman concept art 35 glyphs Whiptail Eel concept art 36 glyphs Bringing Design To Life "making of" video 37 glyphs Whiptail early concept art 38 glyphs Bohan promo screenshot 39 glyphs Andy Serkis as Bohan (second) art 40 glyphs Roach concept art 41 glyphs Capturing Performance "making of" video 42 glyphs Throne Room concept art 43 glyphs Bohan early concept art (second) 44 glyphs Whiptail early concept art (second) 45 glyphs Kai promo screenshot 46 glyphs Guardians Of The Sword animated prologue 47 glyphs Adoring Traveler level 3 superstyle 48 glyphs Stolen Kiss level 3 superstyle 48 glyphs Whirling Passion level 3 superstyle 48 glyphs Bohan promo screenshot (second) 49 glyphs The Sword early concept art 50 glyphs Swordsman concept art (second) 51 glyphs Bazooka concept art 52 glyphs Central Hall early concept art 53 glyphs Soaring Embrace aerial combo 54 glyphs Enviornment early concept art 55 glyphs Prison Approach concept art 56 glyphs Forest Patch concept art 57 glyphs Angel's Smite speed stance combo 58 glyphs Heaven's Spiral speed stance combo 58 glyphs Heavenly Storm speed stance combo 58 glyphs Enviornment early concept art (second) 59 glyphs Heavenly Sword concept art 60 glyphs Falling Blossom aerial combo 61 glyphs Natural Bridge concept art 62 glyphs Clansmen concept art 63 glyphs Nariko imprisoned concept art 64 glyphs Blade of the Devil power stance combo 65 glyphs Raising Hell power stance combo 65 glyphs Chainman concept art 66 glyphs Arena concept art 67 glyphs Angel's Crop speed stance combo 68 glyphs Angel's Harvest speed stance combo 68 glyphs Arena balcony concept art 69 glyphs Ranged Attack cover art 70 glyphs Bazooka cover art 71 glyphs Early packaging concept art 72 glyphs Nariko cover art 73 glyphs Divine Storm ranged stance combo 74 glyphs Unfurling Wrath ranged stance combo 74 glyphs Whiptail costume art 75 glyphs Whiptail promo screenshot 76 glyphs The Sound Of Combat "making of" video 77 glyphs Oraguman concept art 78 glyphs Oraguman sketch 79 glyphs Nariko early concept art 80 glyphs Desert Battleground concept art 81 glyphs Young Nariko sketch 82 glyphs Roach weapon concept art 83 glyphs Assassin weapon concept art 84 glyphs Assasin concept art 85 glyphs Creating The Music "making of" video 86 glyphs Nariko early concept art (second) 87 glyphs Anime character concept art 88 glyphs Decrepit temple concept art 89 glyphs Bohan and Raven concept art 90 glyphs Water Lift concept art 91 glyphs Tower Interior concept art 92 glyphs Desert Fort concept art 93 glyphs Commander concept art 94 glyphs Water Temple Interior 95 glyphs Andy Serkis as Bohan (third) art 96 glyphs Bohan cover art 97 glyphs Packaging artwork 98 glyphs Desert Buildings concept art 99 glyphs Rain Battle concept art 100 glyphs Nariko approaching cage 101 glyphs Back of Snowy Fort (second) art 102 glyphs Encampment concept art 103 glyphs Crossbowman concept art 104 glyphs Bohan Armor concept art (second) 105 glyphs Early Bohan weapon concept art 106 glyphs The Sword Landscape concept art 107 glyphs The Sword Landscape painting 108 glyphs Nariko early concept art (third) 109 glyphs Power Stance cover art 110 glyphs Early Pond concept art 111 glyphs Prison Exterior concept art 112 glyphs Prison Interior concept art 113 glyphs Encampment concept art (second) 114 glyphs Enviornment early concept art (third) 115 glyphs Desert Level concept art 116 glyphs Raven concept art 117 glyphs Heaven and Hell concept art 118 glyphs Andy Serkis facial sketch 119 glyphs Raven God facial sketch 120 glyphs Raven God concept art 121 glyphs Raven God early concept art 122 glyphs Bohan early concept art (third) 123 glyphs Funeral Boat concept art 124 glyphs Funeral Landscape concept art 125 glyphs Funeral Landscape painting 126 glyphs Kai promo screenshot (second) 127 glyphs Shen promo screenshot 128 glyphs Nariko promo screenshot (third) 129 glyphs Combos and superstyles: Adoring Traveler level 3 superstyle: Press R1 + Circle. Angelic Fury speed stance combo: Press Triangle, Square, Triangle. Angel's Crop speed stance combo: Press Square, Triangle(2), Square(2). Angel's Grave speed stance combo: Press Square, Triangle(2), then when landing press Square. Angel's Harvest speed stance combo: Press Square, Triangle(2), Square, Triangle. Angel's Smite speed stance combo: Press Square(2), Triangle, Square. Blade of the Devil power stance combo: Press Square, Triangle, Square(3). Bladed Downfall aerial combo: Press L1 + Triangle, shake controller, then hold R1 and press Triangle, Square(2). Compassion level 2 superstyle: Press R1 + Circle. Divine Storm ranged stance combo: Press Triangle(9). Falling Blossom aerial combo: Press L1 + Triangle, shake controller, then press Square, Triangle(2), Square, R1 + Square. Flying Angel aerial combo: Press L1 + Triangle, shake controller, then press R1 + Triangle, Triangle(3). Heavenly Storm speed stance combo: Press Square(2), Triangle(3). Heaven's Ascent speed stance combo: Press Square, Triangle(2), then when landing Triangle. Heaven's Spiral speed stance combo: Press Square(2), Triangle(2), Square. Hell's Envy power stance combo: Press Triangle, Square(2). Hell's Wrath power stance combo: Press Triangle, Square, Triangle. Laughing Devil power stance combo: Press Triangle(2), Square, Triangle. Lingering Touch level 2 superstyle: Press L1 + Circle. Raising Hell power stance combo: Press Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle. Soaring Embrace aerial combo: Press L1 + Triangle, shake controller, then hold L1 and press Square(3). Startled Lover level 2 superstyle: Press Circle. Stolen Kiss level 3 superstyle: Press Circle. Striking Hell power stance combo: Press Triangle(2), Square(2). Twin Angels speed stance combo: Press Triangle, Square(2). Twisted Soul ranged stance combo: Press Square(7). Unfurling Wrath ranged stance combo: Press Square(9). Violent Tempest ranged stance combo: Press Triangle(7). Whirling Passion level 3 superstyle: Press L1 + Circle. Hell mode: Successfully complete the game. God Of War reference: In the part where you go to the armory, look around at the different trophy cases. One of them is Kratos' armor and swords from the God Of War series. |
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![]() | Автор: RiO |
Оценка: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Я прошел Heavenly Sword минут 20 назад и сразу же решил добавить отзыв на этот сайт для того, чтобы все, кто прочтет это сообщение, знали, что деньги, ушедшие на эту игру, не ушли зря. И вот что меня привлекло: во-первых, здесь ОТЛИЧНАЯ графика, во-вторых, очень-очень интересный сюжет, а в-третьих, это девушка по имени Кай. Она просто чудо! А как она управляется со своим оружием - просто улет! Хотя Кай и не главная героиня, она нравится намного больше, чем главная героиня в игре рыжеволосая Нарико. А еще я могу сказать, что Heavenly Sword могла бы называться "Бог войны в юбке" :) Так что, играйте и наслаждайтесь! | |
![]() | Автор: BAP4yH03 |
Оценка: ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
God of War с женским персонажем? НЕТ! Этот слоган является маркетинговой уловкой от SONY, которой позарез нужно было выводить из комы PS3. Это скорее дохленькое подобие Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers с троечной графикой и с жуткой реализацией использования гироскопов контроллера. Представьте себе добротный "заруби всех" на консоли Dreamcast - это и будет внешний облик Heavenly Sword. Да тот же God of War выглядит в разы шикарнее и по графике, и по насыщенности действия, а ведь это 2005 год и платформа PlayStation 2! Добавьте одинаковых клонов-противников, тормоза (а ведь игра устанавливается на жесткий диск!), отсутствие сбалансированности. Исполнение поединков тут хуже, чем в Prince of Persia, и вся эта возня напоминает мясорубку из Bloodrayne. Я фанат God of War, но когда появилась возможность поменяться на Motorstorm, без раздумий отдал Heavenly Sword. | |
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