Press (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Circle) during unpaused, regular play within a stage to raise the number of continues to 573. This works in both Arcade and Rising modes, and carries over across modes / characters until the game is quit through the PS3.
Contra Stage 1 Music
During the loading screen for mission 1, input the konami code to have a remix of stage 1 from Contra 1 played throughout the level. The code is Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, O. The announcer will say "Let's Rock," confirming that the code works.
There are 7 Bronze Trophies, 4 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
All Clear (Bronze)
[RISING MODE] Clear all missions
Burning Spirit (Bronze)
[RISING MODE] Achieve the highest rating on all stages
Decorated Soldier (Bronze)
[RISING MODE] Obtain all medals
Disposable Warrior (Silver)
[ARCADE MODE] Stock up 20 or more extra lives
I'll make them pay... (Gold)
[ARCADE MODE] Clear all missions without dying
Innate Guerilla Warfare (Silver)
[ARCADE MODE] Clear all missions without defeating more than 50 Privates.
Let's do this thing right! (Bronze)
[ARCADE MODE] Defeat 10 or more Privates
Stage Clear (Bronze)
[ARCADE MODE] Clear Stage 1
The definition of a warrior! (Silver)
[ARCADE MODE] Clear all missions without picking up any weapon items
The Strongest Warrior (Bronze)
[ARCADE MODE] Clear all missions
World Peace (Silver)
[ARCADE MODE] Clear all missions with friends from around the world
You can never play too much. (Bronze)
[RISING MODE] Purchase all obtainable items
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