
Guitar Hero: Smash Hits

Guitar Hero Smash Hits
     At  the  main menu, select Options. From the Options menu, select
Cheats; at the Cheats menu, choose Enter New Cheat.

Air instruments:
     [Yellow], [Red], [Blue], [Green], [Yellow], [Red](3)

Always Drum Fill:
     [Green](2), [Red](2), [Blue](2), [Yellow](2)

Always Slide:
     [Blue], [Yellow], [Red], [Green], [Blue], [Green](2), [Yellow]

Extra Line 6 tones:
     [Green], [Red], [Yellow], [Blue], [Red], [Yellow], [Blue], [Green]

Gem color:
     [Red](3), [Blue](3), [Yellow], [Green]

     [Red], [Green], [Blue], [Yellow], [Green], [Yellow], [Red](2)

Invisible Rocker:
     [Blue], [Red](4), [Yellow], [Blue], [Green]

Star color:
     [Green], [Red], [Green], [Yellow], [Green], [Blue], [Yellow], [Red]

Vocal fireball:
     [Green], [Blue], [Red](2), [Yellow](2), [Blue](2)

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Amazing Rockstar (Gold)       Complete single player Expert Career 
                              on all instruments.

Artist On The Rise (Bronze)   Create a new custom Band logo.

Band Leader (Bronze)          Score the highest individual score
                               in a 4 players Band.

Bark At The Moon (Bronze)     Complete the Career as the Vocalist.

Clash Of The Titans (Bronze)  Win a Band vs. Band match (8 players).

Complete! (Platinum)          Earn all of the Bronze, Silver 
                              and Gold Trophies.

Cowboys From Hell (Silver)    Get 100% on a song as a Band (4 players).

Craving For More (Bronze)     Download a song from GHTunes(SM).

Deadzone (Bronze)             Fail a song with available Star Power 
                              in single player.

Face To Face (Bronze)         Win an online Pro Face-Off match.

Glory to 
the Daring (Bronze)           Play a song in the Atlantis venue.

Golden Fingers (Bronze)       Perform as the Guitarist.

I Wanna Rock (Bronze)         Complete a song with any instrument 
                              on any difficulty in local Quickplay 
                              or Career.

Ink And Blood (Bronze)        Create a custom tattoo.

Jaw Dropper (Bronze)          Win an online Face-Off match 
                              by 25,000 points or more.

Killing In The Name (Silver)  Win 50 online matches.

Low-Pitched King (Bronze)     Complete the Career as the Bassist.

Master Craftsman (Bronze)     Create a new custom instrument.

Masterpiece (Bronze)          Create a new custom rocker.

Mooned (Bronze)               Perform as the Drummer.

One For All (Bronze)          Complete a song in a Band (4 players).

Play With Me (Bronze)         Play 20 online matches.

Promising Diva (Bronze)       Perform as the Vocalist.

Rock Legends (Silver)         Complete the Career 
                              in a Band (2-4 players).

Rock Veteran (Bronze)         Play 150 songs 
                              throughout your entire Career.

Rocker's Guide 
To Godhood (Bronze)           Complete the Career Tutorial.

Smoking!!! (Bronze)           Complete the song Smoke On The Water 
                              as a Vocalist.

The Greatest Crew (Bronze)    Complete a song with all Band members 
                              on Expert (4 player Band).

The Greatest Journey 
In History (Bronze)           Complete a song in every venue.

The One Man Band (Silver)     Complete all four instrument careers 
                              on any difficulty.

There's Hope! (Bronze)        Recover from a poor performance.

Thunder Kissing (Bronze)      Trigger Star Power simultaneously 
                              (4 player Band).

Unnoticed Presence (Bronze)   Perform as the Bassist.

Unyielding (Bronze)           Complete the Career as the Drummer.

War Apparatus (Bronze)        Complete a song on Expert + (Drums only).

Wondrous Strummer (Bronze)    Complete the Career as the Guitarist.

You Cannot Beat Me (Bronze)   Win an online Pro Face-Off match 
                              by 25,000 points or more.

You Should 
Be Afraid (Bronze)            Win an online Face-Off match. 

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