
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten

Unlock Classes
Beat the main game and start a 2nd playthough
Healer and Valkyrie level 15
Armor Knight
Warrior level 20
Beast Master
Warrior or Valkyrie level 15
Thief and Skull level 15
Lady Samurai
Valkyire and Archer level 30
Magic Knight
Warrior or Valkyrie, and Skull or Witch level 30
Masked Hero
Thief and Warrior level 25
Thief and Skull level 30
Onmyo Monk
Sorcerer and Ninja level 30
Healer and Sorcerer level 20
Skull and Witch level 15
Meet the following requirements to view extra endings.
Axel Ending
Lose to Axel when you fight him in Episode 6.
Desco Ending
Lose to Desco when you fight her in Episode 3.
Desco's Epilogue
Set Desco as Valvatorez's Stepsibling in the Legendary Tree evil symbol.
Emizel Ending 1
Lose to Emizel when you fight him in Episode 1.
Emizel Ending 2
Lose to Emizel when you fight him again in Episode 2-.
Emizel's Epilogue
Set Emizel as Valvatorez's Rival in the Legendary Tree evil symbol.
Fenrich's Epilogue
Set Fenrich as Valvatorez's Comrade in the Legendary Tree evil symbol.
Fuka Ending
Lose to Fuka when you fight her in Episode 2.
Fuka's Epilogue
Set Fuka as Valvatorez's Mentor in the Legendary Tree evil symbol.
Postgame Epilogue
Complete Extra Battles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in postgame.
True Final Battle
Defeat the normal final boss with Valvatorez at level 500 or higher.
Vulcanus Ending
Lose to Vulcanus when you fight her in Episode 5.
Vulcanus' Epilogue
Set Vulcanus as Valvatorez's Lover in the Legendary Tree evil symbol.
How to unlock Chara World.
Do the following to unlock Chara World.
Chara World
Reincarnate at least once, storing 99 levels or more in the process, then, pass the bill "Go to Chara World" in the Senate

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