
Dead Space Ignition

Dead space 2 unlockable items
Hacker Suit
Successfully complete the game in single player (Ignition mode)
Replay Comics Mode
After every major decision you make in the storyline, You will be awarded the following comics based on your decisions.
Comic 1-1
Awarded when you make your first game path decision (Repair Lights or Hostage Situtation)
Comic 2-1
Awarded when make your second game path decision after choosing to repair the lights
Comic 2-2
Awarded when make your second game path decision after choosing to help the hostage situtation
Comic 3-1
Awarded upon completing game path A
Comic 3-2
Awarded upon completing game path B
Comic 3-3
Awarded upon completing game path C
Comic 3-4
Awarded upon completing game path D
Comic 4-1
Awarded upon completion of any game path.
There are 9 Bronze Trophies, 2 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Ain't got time to bleed! (Bronze)
Successfully complete Ignition mode within 25 minnutes by any route (excluding movies).
All your Trace are belong to us (Bronze)
Successfully complete all Trace Route hacks in any single player mode.
Catch me if you can! (Silver)
Complete one Ignition mode path through the Leaderboards.
Chief Engineer (Gold)
Complete all hacks in any single player mode.
Did anyone survive? (Silver)
Complete Ignition Mode.
Dirty Work (Bronze)
Unlock the level 4 engineering RIG.
Infectious (Bronze)
Successfully complete all System Override hacks in any single player mode.
Laser Burn (Bronze)
Successfully complete a Hardware Crack in any single player mode.
Planet Cracker (Bronze)
Successfully complete all Hardware Cracks in any single player mode.
Stop the clock! (Bronze)
Successfully complete any hack on the Leaderboards.
Stormed the Core! (Bronze)
Successfully complete a System Override hack in any single player mode.
Trace Element (Bronze)
Successfully complete a Trace Route hack in any single player mode.

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