
Dead Space Extraction

A Star is Born (Bronze)
Complete any level with a 5 star rating
Bridge Commander (Bronze)
Beat the top score on the 'Atrium' Challenge
Collector's Delight (Bronze)
Collect all weapons, text logs and audio logs on Chapter 1: 'Worlds Apart'
Colony Full Of Crazy People (Bronze)
Beat the top score on the 'Medical Bay' Challenge
Engineer By Trade (Bronze)
Beat the top score on the 'Maintenance Bay' Challenge
Got A Medic (Bronze)
Beat the top score on the 'Life Support Room' Challenge
Gun Dealer (Silver)
Collect every weapon on one profile
Herbal Remedies (Bronze)
Beat the top score on the 'East Grow Chamber' Challenge
Isaac 2.0 (Gold)
Complete the game on 'Impossible'
It Needs Our Help (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 1: 'Worlds Apart'
Laugh It Up Partner (Bronze)
Beat the top score on the 'Mess Hall' Challenge
Make Us Whole (Bronze)
Collect all weapons, text logs and audio logs on Chapter 9: 'Escaping the Ishimura'
Man Up Sweetheart (Platinum)
Unlock all trophies
Mega Star (Gold)
Earn 50 stars on one profile
Necro Slayer (Silver)
Complete the game on 'Expert'
Need A Towel (Bronze)
Beat the top score on the 'Water Tunnels' Challenge
No Cop Duty (Bronze)
Beat the top score on the 'Central Plaza' Challenge
No Stone Unturned (Bronze)
Collect all weapons, text logs and audio logs on Chapter 3: 'Return to the Megavents'
Overtime Sheet (Bronze)
Beat the top score on the 'Extraction Site' Challenge
P-Sec Officer (Silver)
Complete the game on 'Hard'
Ready For Takeoff (Bronze)
Beat the top score on the 'Shuttle Bay 47' Challenge
Rising Star (Bronze)
Earn 10 stars on one profile
Scavenger (Bronze)
Collect all weapons, text logs and audio logs on Chapter 5: 'Emergency Care'
Skill - Accuracy (Bronze)
Complete any level with at least 80% Weapon Accuracy
Skill - Reload (Bronze)
Complete any level with at least 80% Perfect Reloads
Skill - Stasis (Bronze)
Complete any level with at least 80% Stasis Accuracy
Super Star (Silver)
Earn 30 stars on one profile
Survivor (Silver)
Complete the game on 'Normal'
That's Quite A Mouthful (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 2: 'Another Day at the Office'
Too Much Firepower? (Bronze)
Open the secret weapons store in P-Sec
Treasure Hunter (Bronze)
Collect all weapons, text logs and audio logs on Chapter 8: 'In the Hearts of Men'
Weapon Nut (Gold)
Max out all upgrades for every weapon on one profile
You Need Glasses Partner? (Bronze)
Survive the shuttle flight with less than 10% of shields intact

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